But Then Again, What Will Happen If I Stay Here?

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- He's dead? You lied to me! Where is he? Where is my son! Why did you lie? -

Tommy was wrong. The moment everyone left the restaurant, Deo and Purpled completely ignored him. Why though? He knew what was wrong, he apologized and he explained that the SBI were willing to protect him no matter what. So why were they still mad at him.


Tommy drove him, Tubbo, and Ranboo home. They all got out of the car and walked into the living room. "So, Tommy, what's going on with you and the other two?" Tommy tilted his head. Surely Tubbo didn't know what was going on, right? They were extremely subtle about the whole fight. They even interacted with each other (thanking each other after they passed something around the table). "What do you mean? We're fine." Tommy attempted. Ranboo shook his head in disbelief. Almost like he knew Tommy was lying. But that couldn't be possible. Tommy was extremely good at lying. 

"Tommy, you three made the entire table awkward. No one would believe that you guys are still on good terms. Now, what happened?" Tommy groaned. The last he wanted was to include Tubbo and Ranboo into all of his problems. "We just had a small fight. We aren't avoiding each other or anything, we just don't talk as much as we used to." Tubbo smiled. "Thanks for telling the truth. Alright, I'm tired. Ima head to bed. I have an interview for an engineer tomorrow. I want to make enough money to buy a car. I want to be able to go wherever I want, whenever I want." Tommy nodded and followed Tubbo and Ranboo up the stairs. Of course, he locked the door and turned off the lights before he went to his room.


When Tommy woke up, he panicked. It was already 8. He was supposed to go to the theme park at 7. 

Tommy got up, showered, and changed. He wore baggy black pants, a white shirt with a white hoodie, and a puffer jacket over it. He then put on air force ones and fixed his hair. He grabbed his wallet, phone, charger, and a crossbody bag to put everything in. Before leaving, he made himself some toast and left a note on the counter for his friends. Then, he left.


Tommy got to the theme park at 8: 48. He was an hour and a half late. No one cared though, right? Tommy walked up to the entrance and stood out of the way of the line. He took out his phone and called Wilbur. "Heyy, sorry I'm late. I'm at the entrance. You guys still have the ticket? Yea? Ok thanks. I'll be waiting." 

A few minutes passed and Tommy could see the SBI walking towards the entrance. Tommy smiled and gratefully took the ticket from his friend's hand. They all walked into the theme park and Tommy smiled in amazement. "Have you guys already gone on a ride?" Wilbur chuckled and shook his head. "Nope. We've been waiting here the whole time. We only took a long time to get you because of the huge crowd. Tommy nodded and followed the family towards a food stall.

When Tommy spotted candy floss his eyes grew wide. He jogged towards it and waited in the line. A few minutes later, he saw the others running up to him. They were all out of breath. "Tommy.. we thought you got lost or something. We thought you were following us." Tommy smiled apologetically. "Sorry, but I wanted something sweet." Tommy walked forward and waited patiently for the line to disperse. When they did, Tommy turned towards his friends. "Want some?" They shook their heads and Tommy shrugged. "Can I just get one? Thank you," 


Tommy walked happily as he ate his snack. "You guys are missing out." But Phil probably saw everything with how old he is. Tommy mumbled to himself. "We just don't like snacks that much." Tommy turned to Techno in disgust. 

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