You Can't Convince Me To Stay! I Changed My Mind Already

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Tommy was born in a somewhat stable household. His mother was constantly working and barely had time for Tommy. That lead to Tommy learning to fend for himself and growing up way to quickly. He went to school, came back home, made himself food, and went to bed. The process repeated until he turned 15. He made enough money for himself to move out and his mother allowed it. She signed the papers, wrote the apartment to her name, and would visit whenever she had the time.

Tommy soon moved into the apartment he was in now and now he lives like this. He wishes he could go back. Go back to when he was happy. When he had everything he wanted. If only his mother had survived, maybe he wouldn't he tied to a chair with a gun to his head.

There was a timer above the door that read:


In 47 minutes he'll be with his mom again. He doesn't want to die, but it was inevitable. Maybe in another life, him and Techno and Wilbur are brothers. Maybe Phil is his dad. Maybe in some world, Tubbo's the president of some country and rules along with Tommy. 

Maybe in another world, they're all happy.

Tommy flinched at the sound of the door opening. Another one of the kidnappers walked in. This time though, they didn't have their mask on. They had a buzz cut and wore a blue and black striped shirt on as well. Their mask was replaced with blue and red goggles and they wore the same pants as earlier.

"What? Are you gonna kill me early?" The bald man scoffed. "The names Jack. Jack Manifold. Sorry we have to meet under these circumstances. You see, your friends have something of mine. And I want them back. Don't look away from me. You have 20 minutes until this guns bullets-" the man, now known as Jack, pulled out a gun from his belt, "goes straight through your skull." Tommy gulped and looked away. Has he really been thinking for that long? It only felt like a couple of seconds though.

Jack walked out of the room and came back with a chair. He placed it down in front of Tommy and left the room again. Once more, he came back. But this time, with a small coffee table and a deck of playing cards. He put the table in front of Tommy and moved his chair back. "Ever played 5000? If you win, I'll let you go. If not, I kill you on the spot." Tommy rolled his eyes at the rhyme and looked towards his hands. Jack seemed to get the hint and took a knife out and cut the ropes. "There. You shuffle first." Tommy grabbed the cards and shuffled it. He handed it towards Jack and the game began.


After 10 minutes of playing, Tommy had 3465 points and Jack had 2885. Tommy was in the lead, but he only had 10 more minutes until the actual time that he dies. Did nobody care? Did they completely ignore the message that Jack sent to them? Tommy was really going to die, wasn't he.


Purpled and the others only had ten minutes left. They were far from the city already and the destination they received was even further. What if they couldn't make it on time? Purpled was aware that he wouldn't be able to live with the guilt. How will he cope if he knows he's the reason his friend dies? Nobody wants to go through this, and it isn't any different for him.

Luckily, they saw the building come into view and they were quick to get out of the truck. They ambushed the building and shot anyone who got in their way.


Tommy heard gunshots from outside the room and smiled. His smile fell when he noticed Jack placing down his cards. Fuck.

Jack placed down two aces and two jokers. He was in the lead now. "Wild is 8. Don't forget."

They finished the round with Tommy at 4900 and Jack at 4905. Whoever gets the most wins. They shuffled again. Tommy got 10 cards and Jack got 3. Tommy had the advantage. Jack picked up a card and dropped another. Tommy picked up a card and dropped a 3, 4, 5, and 6 in front of him and then placed a 3 in the middle. He was in the lead. Jack picked up the 3 and placed down his cards. Flat.

Tommy picked up a card and to his luck, it was a wild. Tommy placed the wild card next to the 6 and he was flat. Jack picked up a card and placed it in the middle. Tommy won. Jack sighed and stood up. "Well. Good game." Tommy grinned at his victory. "Now, let me go-"


Purpled and the others ran towards the room at the end of the hall since it was the exact replica of the photo they were sent. If only they were quicker

When they walked into the room they almost gagged at the sight. Tommy was bleeding out and there was a hole in the middle of his forehead. They were too late to save him. Dream fell to his knees and ignored how the hard floor felt like it was digging into his skin. His arms felt numb and his legs couldn't hold him up anymore. It was like that for the others as well.

They couldn't help but wonder, what if the arrived earlier? Would they be able to save Tommy from his inevitable death? The questions swarmed everyones heads and they were forced to leave the room.

Deo was the first to call Tubbo and Ranboo while Sapnap called Phil. It felt so sudden.

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