Chapter 2

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Back to where we left off

Superioria: Alright everyone it's time to make our appearance known.

The nine entered the portal to utopia

Superioria sees iron patriot lifting cyclops in his arms

Iron Patriot: it's over cyclops, we have won my forces are overpowering yours

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Iron Patriot: it's over cyclops, we have won my forces are overpowering yours.

Superioria threw her shield hitting him in the chest causing the iron patriot to drop cyclops.

Azure Racer caught him and cyclops started regain consciousness

Cyclops:"ugh" my head what happened?

Azure Racer: Well you were getting your ass kicked.

Cyclops turn to see the exobytes

Cyclops: Who are you guys? Are you with union?

Superioria: Well first off my Superioria and we're heroes from another universe.

Aquaparagon: And were not with union so consider us your allies.

Cyclops: well since you guys saved me I'll give you the benefit of the doubt.

Superioria: Good to know,now Volt Master you go and take down Ms.Marvel.

Volt Master: Got it!

Volt Master flew straight to the battlefield

Superioria: Moonlight heal cyclops wounds, so he can return to the fight.

Moonlight: I understand.

Moonlight went to cyclops and his hand glowed yellow. as he heals cyclops with his healing magic.

Superioria: Xenoshimmer,go and take down Daken.

Xenoshimmer: Don't give me orders woman.

Xenoshimmer flew to where Daken is located

Superioria: Azure you and Solarboy are too take down Venom and the Red hulk.

Azure Racer and Solarboy nodded as they head out.

Aquaparagon: And what about me and galaxy boy over here?

Superioria: Aquaparagon, you are to fight Ares.

Aquaparagon headed to where Ares is leaving galactic man and superiora

Superioria:and galactic man take sentry down!

Galactic Man: Right!

Galactic Man flew towards the sentry and punched him in the face sending him to the ground.

He turned to namor and asked

Galactic Man:Are you alright?

Namor: Yes but who are you?

Galactic Man: I'm galactic man and let's just say me and my friends are here to help.

But then the sentry grabbed galactic man

Sentry: Who are you?

Galactic Man: Who I am doesn't matter, but just know that we are your enemies.

Galactic Man punched sentry in the face and landed a uppercut as galactic man was about to land another blow sentry caught his fist and he was about to punch him

The two powerhouses were locked as they applied pressure on the ground

Sentry: I must admit you are the third person to have ever matched me in a fight like this

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Sentry: I must admit you are the third person to have ever matched me in a fight like this.

Galactic Man said nothing as he stayed focused on the fight but then sentry decided to ask him a question.

Sentry: Can you handle a million exploding suns?

Galactic Man decided to counter the question.

Galactic Man: Can you handle a gamma ray burst?

Sentry: Don't know but let's see who's more powerful me or you?

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