Chapter 20

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Jingliu started to awake up in a prison cell in the moon temple and saw Moonlight standing in front of her with a tray of food

Moonlight: Hey your awake miss Jingliu.

She silent as he continued to speaking to her

Moonlight: I brought you some food for you

He placed the food on the table for her

Jingliu decided to speak to him

Jingliu: Thank you.

Moonlight nodded as he leaves the cell

Dark Moon was talking to everyone and answered their questions

Sabrione saw moonlight come out of the room

Sabrione: Well is she?

Moonlight: Jingliu fine but it'll take awhile for her to warm up to us.

Sabrione nodded

Moonlight: but I can guarantee you this, Ironwood's paranoia is becoming more troublesome than I thought.

Everyone nodded in agreement

Meanwhile back in union academy

General Ironwood threw a chair out of the window

Ironwood: Damnit! I knew I should've sent Winter and the ace ops to that temple

Ozpin: James calm down I'm sure we can figure something out.

Sirzechs and Nezu nodded in agreement

Olga: I have an idea, how about we send out the Valkyries from st freya on these people.

Ozpin: And what so we can send them to their death you saw what Galactic Man did to sentry Olga.

Homelander being arrogant as usual

Homelander: I could take him on in a fight.

Osborn: Oh please with your level of strength you wouldn't even phase him.

Homelander's eyes started to glow

Homelander: Watch what you say Osborn I'm the homelander and I can do whatever the fuck I want.

Sirzechs claps his hands

Sirzechs: Now, Now let's not fight amongst ourselves, ironwood I think I know someone who can handle these people.

Ironwood: Oh and who are referring to?

Sirzechs: the team that's with the government,Youngblood.

Meanwhile with Volt Master

Volt Master flew all the way to inazuma

The people there were looking at her as they never seen her before

Volt Master(Thoughts): okay so I take it they've seen someone like me before.

She started walking around the city

Volt Master: inazuma looks beautiful especially in the video game

She didn't notice the looks the civilians were giving her

Volt Master: Okay if I was Ei were would I be?

???: didn't you hear

She hides behind a building and eavesdrop on the guards conversation

Guard: The Shogun bought the boy in blue suit to the palace.

Guard2:Why bring the outsider to the palace?

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