Chapter 34

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Eclipse Knight eavesdrop on two fake heroes from union academy

Hero1: Do you really think it was necessary for the headmasters to drop a nuke on a town.

Hero2: No but what can they do last I heard no one in that town didn't have any special abilities but those three do

Hero1: But I still think it's inhumane for Atlas to harvest super soldiers from metahumans, mutants,aliens even Evohumans.

Hero2: But regardless as long as we keep our mouths shut the more we get paid.

The two left the area as Eclipse Knight recorded the whole conversation with his helmet cam

Eclipse Knight: Caught you hook line and sinker.

Eclipse left the area and rejoined the others until he bumped into someone

Eclipse Knight: Ouch.

???: hey are you alright

He looked up and saw a girl with red hair wearing a black suit and a red bat symbol on her chest

This person was Batwoman member of justice league dark

This person was Batwoman member of justice league dark

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Batwoman: Sorry for bumping into you.

She reached her hand out to help him up

Eclipse Knight grabbed her hand and got back up

Eclipse Knight: Thanks, but I've got to go.

Eclipse Knight left and went to the monitor to broadcast it to everyone

Meanwhile with The headmasters

Sirzechs was currently talking to Osborn

Sirzechs: So you're leaving the party Norman?

Osborn: Yes and my plan to kill Linda and have control over Bob has come to fruition now I'm in control of the most powerful beings in the world.

Sirzechs: True but don't forget there are three people in this space station that are capable of defeating sentry and those are Blue Marvel, Superman,Thor and Galactic Man most recently.

Osborn: I am aware of this but just don't forget about the plan now I should take my leave.

Osborn calls his avengers and leaves the space station

Sirzechs relaxes thinking nothing was going to happen

Back to eclipse knight

He uploaded the information he found to mainframe

Eclipse Knight: Okay here we go.

With a push of a button he showed everyone the shady operations union has been doing including ozpin's darkest secret about him and Salem

Eclipse Knight: It's a good thing Moonlight told me about Salem


Eclipse Knight: Salem's immortal!?

Moonlight: Yup,Ozma's been using everyone as chest pieces for this lovers quail between him and her

Eclipse Knight: Seriously!

Moonlight: I'm Seriously,Serious

Eclipse Knight: Wow well thanks man for me this.

Moonlight: Anytime dude.

End of flashback

Eclipse was looking at monitor and needless to say everyone was pissed

Nuclear-X was so pissed at that he lunges at the headmasters

Gravitonian had tiers in his eyes as he was clenching his fists

Gravitonian: Those bastards!

Before anyone could get to them Sirzechs teleported everyone away except for rwby,jnpr,Deku and his squad, Starlight and Queen Maeve


Sara goes to Nick and hugs him as he cries in sadness

Gravitonian cries as well

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