Chapter 13

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The Next day

After Luna told everyone about Sabrione's problem with her inner wolf.

Everyone decided to help her out

James went to Sabrione's room

James: Hi there you must be Sabrione Vermillion right?

Sabrione nodded

James: My name is James Corvin and I'm sure Luna told you about me.

Sabrione: Yes, your the guy who I saw in the subway

James: Yes, we've been talking and I think I can help you out with reconnecting with your inner wolf.

Sabrione: Really!

James: Yes! First we're going to the one place I know where we can train.

Everyone including Shirou's group were outside

Moonlight: Okay everyone are you ready?

They nodded as Moonlight opens up a portal

Moonlight: Just to let you all know that place were going to is very secretive.

They all entered though it

Rin: What type of magic is this? It's nothing like I've ever seen.

Rin decided to ask Radiantia

Rin: You there with the bird wings.

Radiantia: I have a name you know.

Rin: What type magic those two have?

She pointed at James and Luna

Radiantia: James uses celestial magic meaning he can shape the forces of the universe, Bless their allies and/or Curse his enemies. he uses Celestial magic to Destroy his enemy's or heal his allies. Shape the power of Darkness & Light into his hands.

Rin was shocked to hear that but she was curious about Luna's

Rin: And your friend?

Radiantia: She uses summoning magic and void manipulation.

Rin: she can summon familiars?

Radiantia nodded

Radiantia: Yes this one time she summoned a void dragon.

Rin: is it possible for those two to have true magic? But what is Void Manipulation?

Radiantia: Void Manipulation allows the user to control Void, Nothingness, Non-existence. Being one of the most dangerous and powerful abilities, the user of this ability has the power to erase anything including objects, beings, powers, and even concepts. Moreover, the user can exist in Non-existence or even send objects, beings, or concepts to non-existence or the void.

Rin was horrified to hear that ability like that existed

Archer: those two might be more powerful than a grand servant.

Moonlight: Alright we're here!

They were in a unknown location where James, Luna and Radiantia know

They were in a unknown location where James, Luna and Radiantia know

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Sabrione: What is this place?

Moonlight: Welcome to the temple of the moon This is where me and my friends go to train. So your training begins today!

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