Chapter 38

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The two mystics were fighting altar servants of union academy

Emiya Altar was having a difficult fight with Hexmaster due to his curse magic and his power of luck

Emiya Altar: Damn it why can't I kill you.

Hexmaster: it's simple really.

He turned around and saw Hexmaster right behind him and caught Emiya Altar in his chains and slammed him to the ground

Hexmaster: It's because you fail to see that you couldn't live up to the title of being a "hero of justice".

Hexmaster grabbed his head and snapped his neck

Hexmaster: That's one servant down.

He hears a explosion from the distance coming from Moonlight's location

Hexmaster: And one more to go.

Hexmaster heads towards the location

Currently with Moonlight

Altoria used her noble phantasm

Altoria:Vortigern (Hammer of the Vile King) Inverse aurora Engulf the light! Sword of Promised Victory Excalibur Morgan

Altoria:Vortigern (Hammer of the Vile King) Inverse aurora Engulf the light! Sword of Promised Victory Excalibur Morgan

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Altoria laughs at him

Altoria: is that all you can do.

Moonlight deflected her attack with just a swing of his sword

Moonlight: Fool, you are merely knight while I am a god.

Moonlight's eyes glowed as he summoned pillar and used them as projectiles

Altoria dodged them and cuts one of the pillar then kicked him in the face

Meanwhile in hell

Lucifer rolls up his sleeves and walked towards Adam

Lucifer: I'm the only one that matters. You see you messed with my daughter and now I am going to fuck yo-

Everyone looked up and saw Moonlight and Salter in the air

Moonlight tackled her to another portal leaving everyone in hell confused

Next they entered a place called the ark

Miranda:Poli,Who are they?

Poli: I don't know.

Altoria sees the two of them and went to kill them

Miranda saw this and ran to warn her

Miranda: Poli!?

But suddenly the two were protected by a yellow force field created by moonlight

Moonlight: You two get out of here now.

The two left the area leaving Moonlight and Salter

Moonlight's eyes glowed purple he puts his hand on the ground and creates twenty clones of himself

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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