Chapter 3

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The two powerhouses were locked in battle as they applied pressure on the ground

Sentry: I must admit you are the third person to have ever matched me in a fight like this

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Sentry: I must admit you are the third person to have ever matched me in a fight like this.

Galactic Man said nothing as he stayed focused on the fight but then sentry decided to ask him a question.

Sentry: Can you handle a million exploding suns?

Galactic Man decided to counter the question.

Galactic Man: Can you handle a gamma ray burst?

Sentry: Don't know but let's see who's more powerful me or you?

Sentry's eyes started to glowing yellow same with galactic man as his eyes started glowing blue eyes

The two unleashed their heat vision which causes a explosion

The two unleashed their heat vision which causes a explosion

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Meanwhile with Namor

Namor stood in shock to see the sentry one of the strongest beings on earth, get bested in a fight by someone he has never met before.

Namor: This isn't a battle between men, it's a battle between gods.

Namor looked around to see Aquaparagon fighting Ares

Namor decided to go help her out instead

Ares: If I were you Xebelian I'd stand down.

Aquaparagon got back up and cracked her knuckles

Aquaparagon: Never!

Ares started to charge towards her until he heard the sound of

Namor: Imperius Rex!

Namor flew down like a torpedo and sent Ares crashing down.

Aquaparagon: Who are you?

Namor: I am Namor,king of Atlantis

Aquaparagon: King of ?

She quickly bowed down to him

Aquaparagon: It's an honor to be in your presence your highness.

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