Chapter 1- "The Unusual Tavern Shift"

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At 11 am it's a busy work day at Westside Tavern. Charlie walks into the building and runs through his hair with his fingers. He smells different alcohols and sees the same white walls and dim golden colored lights. He walks behind the brown marble counter and clocks into work. He starts to make drinks for regular customers. The tavern is busier than usual and he doesn't say much to others while working unless he's talking to a customer. He doesn't like being talked to while trying to serve drinks. His best friend Cole walks into the tavern and orders his usual.

"Hey dude, how's it been going?" He says while he sips his wine.

"Eh.. same old same old.. pretty boring.."

"Sounds about right, had a fight with my girlfriend yesterday," Cole says.

"Oh no, what did you do man? And over what?"

"Well, she was jealous of my friend and I because we hung out last weekend and I didn't invite her to hang out.."

"Dude again!? You told me she was jealous of someone else 3 weeks ago!"
I annoyingly say and hand a customer a beer.

"What do you mean again?! Oh wait... yeah I remember.."

"Exactly, when are you guys going to break up? She's controlling you."

"What? Breakup? Never, I love her to death. She's my favorite girl." He glances at Charlie, offended by his words.

"You know what never mind, I saw your friend walk in just now. So go have fun."

"Oh thanks for telling me. And I will."

They say goodbyes and he goes back to working behind the counter. As he fills more drinks and helps out some new customers someone else walks in, looking aggressive.

"Welcome to Westside Tavern. What can I get you?" He says sighing as he waits for an answer.

He glares at Charlie. "I'll take your strongest alcohol."

"Hm if you're sure then... alright."

"Yes I'm sure, hurry up."

(Charlie's POV)
I made the drink and handed it to him. As he chugged it I noticed he was tall, and muscular, I could tell he was a football player in high school. I snap out of looking at him quickly as he asks for more.
Some time goes by and I watch him socialize with other guests in the room. He's had 5 of these so far. I can tell he's drunk or at least getting there. I watched him talk to my friend Cole, I didn't know he knew Cole. Then my boss calls me over to talk to her. (Third Person POV)

"Hey, you know the guy you were staring at?"

"Oh uhm, no I don't. I know I should be doing my work-" I catch her looking at him. Her green eyes being brightened by the light.

"Listen, I'm not saying that's a bad thing, Charlie, keep watching him. He wanted our strongest alcohol and still does, I want to make sure he doesn't do anything rash. You are doing fine just work and keep looking at him like you have been."

"Alright, I can do that. I thought I was in trouble."

"No not at all, you're doing what I wanted you to do," She says smiling. She pats me on the back and walks away. I go back to the counter. (Charlie's POV)

I continue my shift and the guy comes back. I expect him to ask for a refill or something but instead, he pulls out a gun. I put my hands up, terrified, and told my coworker to call the cops and get my boss ASAP since I had him distracted.

"You're going to get me arrested?!"

"Well obviously—"

I start saying but he pepper sprays my eyes. They go blurry and black and I don't know what's going on nor do I care, my eyes hurt so bad. I try to yell but no sound comes out. I hear my coworker arrive with my boss 3 minutes later. They see I'm in his grasp and they see the gun. 30 minutes pass, and I start to panic as I snap back into reality.

"Are y-you going to kill m-me?" I say shakily.

"If you don't shut up I will!" I feel the gun push against my hair and I feel my fear grow stronger as he brought it closer.

"Sir, you don't have to shoot him. He didn't do anything, just let him go." My boss says and I watch her fluff up her light pink hair because she's nervous.

"But he called the cops! I hear the sirens right now!"

He shouts and people in the bar start looking at him with scared expressions.

"No he didn't call them. I did."

"What?! It was you?" He says and points the gun at my boss.

She nods and raises her hands but suddenly the cops come from behind him and easily take the gun from his grasp, his grasp was weak. I'm still in a choke hold, he doesn't let go but I don't struggle. I watch a female cop take the rest of the customers out of the tavern.

"Sir you have to let go of him, he didn't do anything to you.."

I feel his arm tighten around my neck and I started choking but he covered my mouth so that I would shut up.

"Sir, we can shoot you. Let him go!" He says raising his voice to make himself more clear.

The guy lets me go and I gasp for air and start coughing. I take a few big steps back towards my boss so I can catch my breath. I watch the cops quickly grab the man's hands and he doesn't struggle so they don't cuff him. They both hold one of his arms to keep him extra close. My boss checks on me but I'm not listening to her at that moment, I'm zoned out watching the cops take the guy away .

"Charlie? Answer me!" She shouted and roughly taps my shoulder.

"Oh sorry, yeah I'm fine boss. Thanks for asking."

I run my hands through my black fluffy hair and step outside the tavern. And I glance at the male cops talking to him. They are still holding on to him while next to their white car. I continue to hear the sirens as I watch a bunch of cars in heavy traffic. All of sudden I hear the cops shouting, and the guy got away and he's coming to me but he runs past me, luckily everyone on the sidewalk gets out of his way. I saw him sweating as he ran by, he's a quick runner, the cops start running too, but they aren't as fast. I knew that I could catch him, I used to do school track. I was the fastest on my team, that guy stood no chance.

Without hesitation I start running, I pass the cops and shouted that I would get him. I feel the wind push through my hair as I turn the corner. I could tell he was getting tired because he slowed down slightly. I finally caught up to him and tackled him to the ground, but my vision went black as soon as we hit the ground.

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