Chapter 9 (LVL 22)-"Messy Relationships"

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As the elevator plummets, the passengers scream in terror until it gradually slows and finally comes to a halt. After a collective sigh of relief, the doors open up to a well-lit parking garage, though some areas remain dark and shadowy. Ross takes the lead as he exits the elevator, with his friends following closely behind him.

"Now what do we do...? Ari asks.

"Well, I'm not sure. I dont even know where to begin..."

"What if we go that way?" Ava says, as she points to the right of us, she's pointing at stairs that look dark and eerie looking.

"I don't want to go that way..." Ross mutters.

"Well, we have to explore our surroundings, don't be a baby..." Ava says in an irritating tone. She grabs his hand and pulls him to make him go with him.

"STOP YOU'RE HURTING ME" He yells out as his ankle scratches against the road.

"STOP AVA." Max grabs onto Ross and kicks Ava in the back with his foot and she lets go of Ross and falls onto the ground in pain. Charlie picks Ava up off the ground carefully, glaring at Max as Arlind, Fizzy, Ari, and Krista watch from behind Max near the elevator.

"Charlie... It wasn't right for her to hurt him and you know that.."

"Yeah, well don't hurt the person I love."

"What...? You said you loved me," He says as he puts his ears down along with his tail.

"Well no one likes wimps... and you're an animal. I'd probably be some sort of freak..." Charlie says disgusted as he grabs Ava's hand.



Charlie and Ava walk off as Ross cries into Max's arms more. Max hugs him tighter, what Charlie said and did was so uncalled for. (Charlie and Ava's POV)

"I'm glad we are together... I hate the group, they are so mean. Aren't you glad you got away" Charlie asks as he pulls Ava in for a hug.

"Yeah... I'm happy to get away and you know... END YOU..." She says as she giggles and pulls a knife from her hoodie pocket.

"WHAT WAIT... YOU TRICKED ME?? DO YOU EVEN LOVE ME..?" Charlie says as he takes a step back.

"No... I tricked you... You better act fast Charlie..." (Max POV)

Max sees Charlie stepping back into the clearing. Max pulls a gun from his pocket and watches from afar as he notices Ava walking towards him with a knife. Max holds onto Ross as he points the gun at Ava and pulls the trigger. (All POVS) The bullet pierces through her skin and hits her skull, making her scream and fall to the ground, hitting her head on the concrete and bleeding out. Charlie looks at Max with shock lingering in his body and looks at Ava dead on the ground.

"You saved me, Max.. thank you..." Max nods and puts the gun away as Charlie walks towards the group and Ross lets go of Max and calms himself down.

"Ross... I'm so sorry for how I treated you... You were in the right and I was wrong..."

Ross walks up to Charlie and pulls him in for a hug. "It's ok... yore lucky I'm forgiving..." He pulls Charlie in for a quick kiss. "I love you still... don't worry..."

"Good 'm glad and again I'm really sorry..." Charlie hugs him again.

"Next time I'll kill him, Ross..." Max says rolling his eyes.

"I know... but can we keep moving? I'm tired of standing here and lazing around..."

"Yeah come on guys let's walk up the stairs."

They all start to walk towards the stairs, as they reach the stairs a few moments later they notice how dark it looks up there... hopefully nothing jumps out at them while they walk up there, Charlie grabs Ross's hand and they walk up the stairs first. Max and the others follow them, they make it to the second floor and look around to see the same floor layout and see five green cars, three yellow cars, and two red ones.

"I think the cars are a code to something," Fizzy says as she points to all the cars around them.

"Yeah, I think it goes to that suitcase that is sitting way over there," Arlind points to a brown suitcase by a red car that's a few feet away.

Max goes towards the suitcase as his group follows behind, you can hear their footsteps on the concrete and the splashes of some people walking in small water puddles as they make their way to put the code in, Max picks up the suitcase and puts the code on, IT WORKED!! He opens it to reveal a small key inside.

"What could this go to?" Max asks.

"Well, maybe that door over there?" Ari questions as she points at the door.

"Wow good eyes guys, come on let's try it."

They walk towards the door and when they reach it Max unlocks it with the key. The door swings open and reveals almond water a note. The note reads "RUN FAR... THEY SEE YOU..." Max picks up the note and puts it in Ross's backpack.

"The note said Run far they see you... I don't know what they mean by that—"

The group sees a shadow figure walk by, you a see every feature except its face

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The group sees a shadow figure walk by, you a see every feature except its face... It sees us and runs at us. We run into the room that we had unlocked and close the door, Max holds the door shut as it bangs on our door. They all crowd in the corner as it tries to break in. It hits and tries to break in for like 10 minutes then it gives up and walks away. Max opens the door after it's long gone and sighs in relief.

"Well come on... let's head up the stairs to the next floor."

Max and the group walk up to the second floor with the same amount of cars to find another clue. You can hear their footsteps as they walk through the level, they can't find anything so far.

"What are we looking for exactly...?" Fizzy says.

"Something out of place I think..."

As Fizzy nods in agreement, she takes a few steps forward, but suddenly, she trips over an oddly placed piece of concrete. As she falls, she accidentally uncovers a hidden code along with a note that is concealed under the concrete block. Arlind picks up Fizzy as Max picks up the note that says 8172.

"That door over there," Charlie says pointing at the dark brown door.

They walk to the door, put the code in and open it to reveal an axe. Charlie grabs the axe and they start to walk to the third floor, as they get up they notice a big wooden hole in the floor. Charlie breaks all the wood with an axe and drops down the hole, the others following.

They scream as they fall and when they hit the ground they fall on the butt but no one was hurt. They are on floor 10 of the parking garage as it's labeled on the wall.

"How did we get here...?"

"I don't know... we fell down n0t up..."

They stand up and walk around and find a latched door in a few moments after arriving. They break the latch with the axe and it reveals a slide that looks to be green and the slide appears to be dark, they go down the slide one by one into the darkness.

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