Chapter 2 (LVL 0) - "What Is Happening?"

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I remain on the ground except I don't feel concrete, I feel a moist carpet. I feel a stabbing pain in my head, it hurts so bad I think I hit my head on something. I don't know how long I've been lying here, but I hurt almost everywhere. I slowly open my eyes to the dark yellow damp carpet, yellow walls, the weird wallpaper design on them, and a slight hum from the lights, some of the lights flickering at different times. I sat up to see more, everything looked the same, nothing was different about this maze, or whatever it was. I don't want my pants to get damp, I need to stand, but my head is spinning, throbbing, and hurting. I don't feel good, and I'm struggling to breathe a little bit. I don't know where I am, and the moisture and iron, dull-like smell is an awful combination. I have a headache from the smell and feeling of the carpet. I stand up even though I don't want to, and I start to walk around slowly. I could feel the dampness of the carpet as I walked around.

I continue through the maze and turn some corners. I start to notice some arrows on the walls as I turn some corners. I follow the arrows and I see a dark area in the hallway, it appears a set of lights are out. In the dark hall I see a pair of white static eyes and bunches of teeth in a smile. I want to go up to it but I'm afraid to, I don't think that thing is a friend. He doesn't look normal. I walk the opposite direction of the face and I see a person or a squirrel? I don't know who it is but he looks scared and I think he's wounded too but he's kind of far away so I can't tell. He looks at me and points something at me, I want to back away but something tells me I shouldn't. He shoots me from afar with a gun, he has good aim. I fall to ground and start screaming in pain but quickly covered my mouth to silence my painful screaming. He walks over to me, he has light gray hair, glasses, squirrel ears and a tail, he looks wounded, there's a scratch on his face, a deep one, and his legs have some bite marks, he approached me by limping, looks like something happened to his ankle. He looks at me, puts his gun in his side bag and reached his hand out to me as I held my left shoulder.

 He looks at me, puts his gun in his side bag and reached his hand out to me as I held my left shoulder

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"W-why would y-you do that...?" Charlie asks wincing in pain as he shifts on the damp ground.

"I... I'm sorry... as you can see I've been attacked by things and I've been here with... no one for 2 weeks..."

"2 weeks!?! Aww dude I'm sorry... anyway what's your name? I'm Charlie." He grabs Ross's hand and he pulls him up and he whines in pain as he gets up.

"I'm Ross.. nice to meet you. Again I'm sorry for shooting..."

"Nice to meet you too. And it's ok, I get you're scared. I am too."

"...ok well I'm glad we met. I for sure thought I'd be alone forever."

"Honestly even though I just got here I didn't think others were here."

"I didn't either—" he paused and motioned

Charlie to stay quiet.
A static, different human voice echoed throughout the walls and the lights turned red a few feet away from us, the noise continued and the lights went back to normal but a thin black wire looking figure appeared around the corner and Ross motioned us up quickly and we ran. Ross could feel the sharp pains in his ankle, the wire man came closer to Charlie and Ross pushed him down and landed on top of Charlie protecting him. He felt the pain screaming all over but he remained calm and against Charlie guarding him. The creature strikes Ross and he flattens his ears and fluffy gray tail, he cries out in pain as he's scratched three times, his old wound got reopened but he now has three new ones. The creature flees due to a gun shot and someone comes from another part of the maze with a gun.

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