Chapter 4 (LVL 14 & 37) - "Love Drama"

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One by one, they plummet to the ground with a resounding thud, knocking everyone in the room unconscious except for Ava and Charlie. As they struggle to regain their senses, both of their heads throb painfully, and they can feel the weight of the impact still reverberating through their bodies. Gradually, they manage to stand up and take in their surroundings. Before them stretches a shadowy hallway, shrouded in mystery and foreboding. Behind them, a brightly lit corridor beckons invitingly. It's clear that they're in a hospital, but the situation is far from clear. What's in here? Ross and Fizzy woke up with pain in their heads. Ross had screaming, throbbing pain in his ankle. Fizzy stood up and looked at Ross.

"Ugh... I don't think I can walk anymore. My ankle is screaming and feels like it's going to shatter.."

"Oh ouch. I can carry you again if you want."


"When you were sleeping you were carried in the last level."

"Oh well I mean I can try and wal-"

With a quick dismissal, Ava paid no attention to him, and in one swift motion, she lifted him off the ground.

"I said I can walk, let me go...!"

"Nope, let's continue walking to see if we can find a way out or something. Follow the lit hallway behind us."

They all agree and walk around, after 10 minutes of waking they go through a hospital bedroom door and there's a moist, black-colored, octopus-like creature in the dark room they enter.

They all agree and walk around, after 10 minutes of waking they go through a hospital bedroom door and there's a moist, black-colored, octopus-like creature in the dark room they enter

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As they were running out, the creature grabbed Ross by the arm and looked into his eyes, causing him intense pain. Ross screamed and cried in agony, and his arm was cut by the creature's grip. In an attempt to rescue him, Ava, Fizzy, and Charlie grabbed his other arm and pulled with all their might, trying their best not to hurt him further. After the creature releases him, Charlie quickly shuts the door and joins Ross, who is in pain. Ava also comes over and pulls out more bandages from her bag. While Charlie rubs his back, Ava carefully bandages around a large wound on Ross's arm, who cries out in pain.

"Thank you guys for everything, seriously. I keep getting hurt and I am sorry."

Hey, don't be sorry. It's not our fault or yours. The backrooms are unpredictable. Let's keep walking, we can find an exit faster that way," Ava says reassuringly.

Ava's arms wrap tightly around Ross as she holds him close, trying to keep him safe and comfort him as he whimpers in pain, clutching his injured arm. Ava leads the way as Fizzy and Charlie follow behind. They make it to another room and it's bright, they get blinded by the light and end up on another level.

Level 37 "Sublimity"

They emerged from a dark archway that led to ankle-deep water. Most of the walls had curved patterns with white tiles forming squares, the lowered parts of the floor were covered in just water, and the raised floor parts were perfectly dry. They walk around the areas confused about what they are seeing.

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