Condoms (Kay Flock)

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Chanel Pov
1:45 pm

"Mommy!!!" I could hear my four year daughter screaming from her bedroom upstairs. I sighed cus this is like the 30th fucking time she's yelled for me. I could hear her little feet hitting the floor as she ran to kitchen area where I was currently finishing her lunch.

"What's wrong now darling?" Turning around I could see her climbing onto one of the dining room table chairs.

"When is daddy coming?" She pouted. Hmm now that I think about it Kevin said he was on his way to come pick her up but that was awhile ago. Kevin Perez aka Kay Flock is the father of our 4 yr old daughter Harmony Perez. No, Kevin and I aren't together but he's always been a great dad to her.

"I don't know baby, you want to call him?" Picking up my phone off the counter I walked over taking a seat, Harmony climbed into my lap getting comfortable, unlocking my phone I ft Kay.

"Wass good my heart." He answered on the third ring.

"Daddy where are you!?" She mugged Kay making me laugh. I swear her and Kay are twins, they even make the same mean face. Kay smile looking down at his phone, I could clearly see that he was in the car.

"My baby, daddy coming right now iight. Be there in a few minutes." Kay kept glancing at the phone and im guessing the road so he wouldn't crash.

"Well hurry up." She demanded crossing her arms, mug never leaving her face. Kay smile was replaced with a straight face.

"Aye who you talking to little girl?"


Bursting out into laughter at Harmony actions. She stuck her tongue at him before jumping off my lap going back to her room. Kevin smacked his lips.

"Ain't shit funny, she get that shit from you." My laughter died down as Kay now directed his mug to me.

"Whatever Kevin, that's yo twin. Both of you have anger issues." Swear these two have the worst fucking anger problems, like she's four what could you possibly be angry about.

"Look im pulling up so unlock the door." He hung up in my face rudely. Ughh dick. Getting up I yelled for Harmony to get her bag and put her shoes on while I went to go unlock the door. Soon after Kay came walking in like he owns the place.

"Daddys here! Daddy here's!" Harmony ran down the stairs practically jumping into Kay arms. Kay picked her up holding her in his arms kissing her all over her face making her giggle. I stood there admiring their relationship, Kay becoming a father was the sexiest thing ever-

"Tfk you staring for? You want a kiss too?" Kay smirked looking me up and down. Glaring at him cus I don't know how many times i've told him to watch his language around our daughter. Reaching for Harmony I popped Kay in his mouth telling him to watch his mouth. He looked fake shocked at my actions.

"Lucky you holding my daughter bro." He grunted settling down on the couch, his usual mug now on his face.

"Not like you gone do anything." I shrugged. In the back of my mind I knew Kay had no problem taking me upstairs and putting me in check.

"I just finished Harmony lunch, you want to wait til she finishes eating to take her?"

"Yea, most likely take her to get some ice cream or something after." He muttered typing away on his phone. I made my way to the kitchen setting Harmony down in one of the chairs, while she ate I made my way upstairs to grab her bag since she was going to be staying with him for a few days. Bringing everything downstairs I went to go put everything in the living room.

Feeling stared at I looked over seeing Kay stare me down with no expression on his face so I didn't know what he was thinking.

"What Kevin?" I ask placing a hand on my hip. His usual mug reappeared on his face due to me using his government.

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