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I mean...I can't even have children.

I was told that I could not have children.


So what the fuck is this?

My hands shook, as I continued to stare down at this test.

It's saying I'm pregnant.

Two lines.

I looked back at the other tests that laid beside me...all four of them.

All positive.

I didn't know how to feel, but I know I didn't want this...at all.

I'd already had a scare back in May, that was a very close call, but when my period started in June, I knew it was mostly stress for me to miss it in May. But this....this shit was real.

I didn't get my period in July and it was the second week of August.

Leaned against my toilet, I continued to clutch the last test I took in my hands, as it all made perfect sense now.


Slight nausea.

Vomiting and retching.

Smells being kinda off and my back hurting a little.


Well, I guess a large part of me kinda figured that, but being told for so many years that I couldn't have children had me so confused right now.

How am I pregnant now?


Tears made their way down my face and I hadn't even bothered to wipe them.

I hardly knew David, despite how much time we've been spending with each other. Five months wasn't really enough to get pregnant by someone and automatically become some 'family'

I'd also taken a test at David's house yesterday and it was a faint positive. I tried my best to conceal it in the trash. I made sure to push it deep underneath other trash and with his overly clean ass, I'm sure he dumped it and kept it moving.

David's Clover|Short StoryWhere stories live. Discover now