✧Chapter 21✧

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Swift turned to Thunder, Hawk and Mist and they talked for a while.

„Shouldn't we go hunting perhaps?" Thunder brought up.

„I don't think me and Swift should go. You know, after the fight with those foxes. We're still pretty scarred up and weak," Mist said and Swift knew she didn't do it just because of their previous fight and that there was something more behind this.

„I agree, take some rest you two," Hawk nodded.

„Aw seriously? Just me and you? I don't want to work so hard," the short reddish wolf whined like a little puppy.

„We could take Rain if you want," Hawk told him, to which Thunder nodded and walked toward the den.

They both slid inside and came back out with the old gray wolf by their side. They passed by Mist and Swift.

„May Moon bless your hunt," Swift said unconfidently towards them and Rain stopped, looked at him with an unreadable expression and nodded, smiling. There was a small spark of hope in the wolves eyes as he turned away and padded toward the enterance. The hunting party exited the camp and the two were all alone again.

„Let's go get some rest inside the den. I can't stand the sun shining onto my back. I hope red-leaf comes soon," Mist complained. She seemed to hate sun-warmth because of the heat. They turned back and entered the den. A cool chill wrapped around their bodies.

They settled into their nests and rested for a while. Swift looked over to Mist and saw that she was looking kind of upset.

„What's wrong, Mist?" he looked into her eyes and gathered to confidence to ask her. He regreted this short after, as he started fearing that she would just snarl at him offendedly. Instead, she looked around the den and then gazed at him.

„Don't tell this to the others, I... don't want them to be scared," she said finaly and Swift nodded. „I grew up in a pretty harsh enviroment and it left some scars. It was a pack, a pretty violent one. They trained pups to brutaly fight and they did not care about us getting hurt. I was one of those pups and I constantly had injuries and blood of other pups on my paws. But that wasn't even the worst thing..." at this point, her eyes started tearing up, „I-I had a sister, from the same litter. I don't know who our mother was, my earliest memory was from the pack and no one ever took care of us. But, my sister was to weak... T-they killed her right in front of my eyes..." she burst out in tears, covering her eyes with her paws and Swift came to her, laying down next to the she-wolf.

„It's okay. Just let it out, I'm here. You don't have to keep it in anymore," he started comforting her. He felt horrible, seeing the usually confident she-wolf so sad but this was his chance to get even closer to her.

After a while, Mist stopped crying and looked at Swift. They stared into each other's eyes, before Mist suddenly pressed her head against his chest. Swift closed his eyes. He was stunned that she would want to share this with him instead of her good long time friends. It made him feel special and a spark jumped between the two.

„Thank you," Mist whispered and lifted her head up again.

The two spent the time sharing stories from their lives and had a great time, laughing at some funny moments, mostly about Thunder. Swift even told her how he lost his brother, which pulled them even closer to each other, as they have both lost their only sibling. Dusk started getting closer and closer and when Mist felt much better, they came out to watch the sunset. By that time, Thunder, Hawk and Rain had already returned with some prey and Swift remembered the deer from yesterday.

They dug the animal up with the two remaining rabbits. There wasn't that much left, so everyone was glad they caught something else. Then, Alpha howled and called the pack over to eat.

„That was some delicious meat. Where did you catch those squirrels?" Swift complimented the three when everyone was laying in their nests, while Mist seemed quieter than usuall but still keeping a smile on her face.

„Just bellow some trees on the edge of the forest. But in my opinion, the biggest win is the marmot. We caught it on the mountain in our territory. It was on a rocky cliff, not knowing what was waiting for it," said Thunder, proud of his catch, even though it was probably the only thing he caught that day.

Everyone had fallen into deep sleep and of course, Thunder immediatly started snoring again. Even Swift eventualy fell asleep this time, not long after Mist.

Swift opened his eyes. He was sitting between two wolf silhouettes. One shorter and one taller than him. They both had white, empty eyes and were sitting straight up, not making a single move. Suddenly, Swift spotted a shiny, bright, white figure with ice blue eyes, elegantly coming towards him and gazing forward at him. As it came closer, the two figures beside him stepped back, while Swift remained completely still. Something was telling him not to follow those two wolves. The white wolf was almost touching noses with him, when it stretched it's neck forward and gently licked Swift's nose. Then it looked at him, nodded and slowly faded away into thin air.

Within seconds he opened his eyes and stood up. It was nearly Dawn but everyone was still sleeping. Except for Mist, who's nest was empty.

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