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Y/n pov:
I hear noises. No words. The headache makes it impossible to hear what words or who speaks them. As i wake up my body begins to hurt. I slowly remember that i was sitting in the car and my eyes went black. I lost control and the next moment the car was on fire. The last thing i remember is that Charles was there. I hear Lando saying that Charles and i ar in love. "Does that mean i'm the princess of Monaco now?" I ask before opening my eyes. Daniel rushes to my side hardly believing i'm awake. "Are you alright Y/n" i'm so glad your alive. It's been a few hours since your accident but it's okay. Fred said no pressure." Daniel said. I see Charles standing on the other side of the ved looking at me with relief in his eyes. "Hey mon amour." Charles said. "Don't talk to him. He's the reason for your accident. He's the reason you were malnourished." Daniel said. I try to sit up but the pain doesn't let me. "Daniel what are you talking about? Charles wasn't the reason. I was." I ask confused. I see the guys looking at me with pure sadness. "I wanted to concentrate on the race. Everyday i trained until i couldn't feel my body." I say. Charles doesn't believe me i can sense it. He knows me better. But he doesn't say anything. "Could you please get me some water?" I asked Daniel. Daniel stands up and looks deadly at Charles. "Please don't fight i'm tired and thirsty." I said. After Daniel leaves Max gets the hint. "Let's go Lando somebody should tell the docter that she's awake." Max said. I'm so grateful for him. They leave and Charles takes my hand. "What's you favorite food?" He asked. "Lasagne." I answerd. "Then i will learn how to make lasagne. And i'll make you your pancakes every morning. I saw you eating them at breakfast in the hotel a few weeks ago. And you loved them." He said. "You know it's not my fault." I say. He kisses me on the forehead. "Whenever your ready to tell me what happened. I won't push you but i'm here if you need me." He said to me. "My dad wanted me to train harder and longer every day. It was so exhausting that i fell asleep when i came home. When i told him i haven't eaten in three days he just told me to focus on my career and not on my needs. He probably didn't believe me and thought i would call you with my phone wich he had taken away. My body was to tired for me to notice i was hungry until the race." I finally look up from our interlocked fingers. "I'm so sorry babe. I should've talked to you but i pushed you away because i didn't want you and him to see me weak. You are my weakness Charles Leclerc." I said. He kisses me on the lips it's a soft and promising kiss. "You are my weakness Y/n Leclerc. And I shouldn't let you push me away. I should've stayed and fought. You don't wanna tel Daniel the truth?" He asked. "No. He believes in our father. I don't want to take that away from him. I know how much Daniel loves him and as long as my father will treat him well i won't tell him anything." I said. "Okay." He strokes my cheek. "But i will not let your father near you again. My wife my responsibility." He said. "We didn't even marry yet." I said. "Yet." He said.

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