2."An eye for an eye & the whole world goes blind"

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"An eye for an eye & the whole world goes blind"

20th Sept, 2023

"Did you find her?", Jiya asked Sara in panicked voice while running her fingers through her hair strands.

"No, I almost looked everywhere.", Sara replied while breathing heavily.

"Now what are we doing to do, we are about to leave.", Jiya said again while frowning. Her eyes were filled with tears, she was at the edge of crying, but somehow she made them froze.

That time suddenly Amira came there & she started huffing as she came while running. She inhaled deeply & then looked at both of them sorrowfully.

"Avni Mam is calling all of us.", she said slowly while sighing rapidly. A loud cry escaped from Jiya's lips. All three of them were really filled with fear, the fear of losing Mehula again.

Last night, they don't even know how they ended up inside their tents. But in morning when they opened their eyes, their head was freaking aching like the whole zoo was dancing inside their head.

But when they didn't saw Mehula with them, they got panicked cause they don't remember what happened last night after they got drunk. They didn't remember any single act of theirs from last night.

Now they are afraid, a single thought is engrossing their mind & the thought is what if Mehula did any kind of stupidity again. What if she is lying somewhere lifelessly, again.

The three of them went to the spot where their school's students along with teachers are waiting for them. Siya waved at them the moment she saw them. They hurridly went to her direction without looking at anyone & Jiya hid behind her immediately as she was afraid of the consequences now.

"So all the students gathered here?", Their P.T teacher, Avni Sharma asked them while grabbing the list from the side pocket of her bag. All the girls nodded immediately without hesitation, but Jiya, Siya, Sara & Amira were gulping the saliva again & again only to get rid of the lump that got stucked into their throats' cause of fear.

"Ok, so now I'm going to call the names loudly, raise you hands immediately after your name.", Their teacher ordered them & she started saying the names loudly, one by one.

Nearly 39 girls were standing there as this was only 11th & 12th medical girls' camping trip & the 40th girl was Mehula who is still missing.

Few minutes passed & now their teacher was calling the leftover girls name, "Siya".

"Y- Yes mam", she raised her hand & said in cracking voice, her whole body was trembling badly.


"Yes mam", sara replied in rigid voice but still not daring to lift her gaze up.

"Jiya?", she called out another name & Jiya got startled the moment she heard her name. She unknownly raised her hand & lifted her gaze a little only to ended up making an eye contact with their Physcis Teacher named, Shidhant Nair.

Her breathe got stucked the moment their eyes met, she became a lifeless object, unable to utter any single word or to realize what really is going on around her.

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