A happy return

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Leaving the hospital room, Catherine navigated the dimly lit corridors with purpose. She bypassed the reception desk without a glance, her mind focused on the looming silhouette of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza in the distance.

The night air carried a sense of foreboding as Catherine approached the desolate establishment. Broken windows and faded signage hinted at a past long forgotten by the world outside. Unperturbed by the eerie silence, Catherine pushed open the creaking door, its rusty hinges protesting the intrusion.

The interior, once filled with the laughter of children and the hum of animatronics, now exuded a ghostly stillness. Moonlight filtered through the grime-coated windows, casting ethereal patterns on the cracked tiles of the deserted arcade.

In the dim glow, Catherine moved deeper into the pizzeria, the remnants of her son's childhood memories haunting the corners of her vision. A flickering light drew her attention to the main stage, where the animatronics, frozen in time, seemed to watch with hollow eyes.

As she ventured further, a distant hum, barely audible, echoed through the decaying corridors. It was a haunting melody, the same dissonant tune that lingered within Harry's dreamscape. Catherine followed the sound, each step echoing with a sense of trepidation.

In the bowels of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, Catherine discovered a forgotten room, hidden from casual sight. Dust-covered documents and abandoned blueprints adorned the tables, revealing a secret history obscured by time.

The distant hum grew louder, resonating with an otherworldly energy. Catherine's eyes widened as a figure emerged from the shadows – the dormant Happy Frog, it stood silent and still.

Determined to uncover the truth, Catherine searched for a power source, finding a dusty switchboard nearby. With cautious hope, she attempted to power on Happy Frog. The room flickered with dim light as Happy Frog's eyes glowed faintly, a distant echo of life within the dormant animatronic.

The dissonant melody, now muted and distorted, filled the room. Happy Frog's limbs twitched, a feeble attempt to break free from the hours of dormancy. It was a glimpse of life within the desolation of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza.

As Catherine stared into the dimly lit eyes of Happy Frog, she felt a peculiar connection. In the quiet hum of the animatronic's revival, she sensed a ally in her quest to unravel the mysteries that bound her son to the nightmarish echoes of the pizzeria.

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