Happiness fades

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The confrontation between the Mediocre Melodies and Foxy escalated into a chaotic struggle, the dimly lit main stage becoming the battleground for animatronic entities. Foxy, the escaped animatronic, charged at the group with a ferocity that echoed its untamed nature.

In the midst of the scuffle, Foxy's hook hand lashed out, aiming directly at Happy Frog. The sudden attack caught the animatronics off guard, and the razor-sharp hook pierced Happy Frog's chest. The room resonated with electronic whirs and mechanical protests as the hook tore through Happy Frog's metal exterior.

As Foxy dragged the hook upwards, a sickening sound accompanied the rending of metal. Happy Frog's chest cavity opened, and a torrent of oil spilled out, staining the stage in a dark pool. The once-vibrant animatronic now lay motionless, its animatronic eyes flickering in the dim light.

The Mediocre Melodies, witnessing the gruesome demise of their companion, reacted with a mix of horror and sorrow. Nedd Bear and Pigpatch, their melodic voices replaced by anguished electronic wails, retreated in a desperate attempt to escape the relentless Foxy.

Amidst the chaos, Orville Elephant moved swiftly, his large frame shielding Catherine from the ongoing battle. The sorrowful melody of Happy Frog's demise lingered in the air as Orville grabbed Catherine and retreated to a safer distance, ensuring she remained unharmed.

The main stage, now stained with the aftermath of the brutal confrontation, bore witness to the unfolding tragedy. Foxy, driven by primal instincts, continued its rampage, the animatronic world spiralling further into darkness.

The haunted pizzeria, its halls echoing with the haunting melodies of the past, became a sombre stage for the unresolved conflicts that defined the animatronic existence. The mysteries of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, entwined with sorrow and horror, awaited their revelation in the chilling depths of the forsaken establishment.

Catherine, overwhelmed by grief and rage at the loss of Happy Frog, seized an axe that lay nearby. In a fit of anguish and desperation, she charged towards Foxy, her movements driven by a desire for revenge.

With a fierce determination, Catherine swung the axe at Foxy, aiming to dismantle the animatronic that had brought about such devastation. The blade struck true, severing Foxy's metal hook from its frame. However, the animatronic pirate, undeterred, swiftly retrieved the detached hook with its remaining hand.

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