Horror begins once more

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With the weight of shared sorrow and determination, Catherine and Happy Frog pressed on through the labyrinthine corridors of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. The distant echoes of children's laughter and the faint hum of machinery surrounded them as they approached the heart of the haunted pizzeria.

As they reached the main stage, the atmosphere grew thick with an unspoken tension. The dissonant melody of the animatronics' haunting tune played softly in the background. It was here that they expected to find the malevolent force that had shut down Happy Frog and set in motion the chain of events leading to Harry's coma – the Puppet.

Suddenly, the room fell into an ominous silence. The air seemed to shimmer with an unnatural energy, and the Puppet emerged from the shadows. Its wiry fingers extended, and a ghostly voice echoed, "You dare to come into our home!."

Before Catherine could react, Happy Frog, now upgraded and more responsive, sprang into action. With a swift movement, they positioned themselves between Catherine and the Puppet, ready to confront the malevolent force that haunted the pizzeria.

The Puppet's eyes gleamed with a sinister light, and it lunged forward. Happy Frog, with newfound agility, dodged the attack and retaliated. Their movements were a dance of animatronic precision, a clash of forces bound by the echoes of a tragic history.

Catherine, caught in the crossfire, watched in awe as Happy Frog defended her with unwavering determination. The room reverberated with the clashing of animatronic limbs and the haunting melody that underscored the battle.

With each strike, Happy Frog proved their resilience, pushing back against the malevolent force that sought to keep them imprisoned. Catherine, realizing the perilous nature of the confrontation, searched the room for a means to aid her newfound ally.

Amidst the chaos, she spotted a control panel connected to the stage's lighting system. With quick thinking, Catherine manipulated the controls, directing a blinding spotlight onto the Puppet. The malevolent force recoiled, its ghostly form dissipating in the harsh light.

Seizing the opportunity, Happy Frog delivered a final blow, causing the Puppet to retreat into the shadows. The room fell silent once more, the echoes of the confrontation lingering in the air.

Catherine, breathing heavily, approached Happy Frog with gratitude. "Thank you for protecting me. We need to keep going, uncover the truth, and free the spirits trapped within."

However, as the dim light of the pizzeria revealed, Happy Frog bore the scars of the battle. A visible crack marred their animatronic exterior, and faint whirring sounds indicated internal damage.

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