Some assembly required

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Catherine observed Happy Frog, her flashlight casting a gentle glow on the animatronic's features. "Is there anything else you need, Happy Frog? Any other parts that require replacing?"

Happy Frog's animatronic eyes flickered as it processed the question. After a moment, it responded in its newfound voice, "I require a new servo for my left arm, and my movement sensors could use an upgrade. Additionally, my internal wiring might benefit from some adjustments."

Determined to assist her newfound companion, Catherine nodded. "Alright, Happy Frog. Let's find those parts and get you back to your full self."

Together, they embarked on a quest through the abandoned pizzeria, guided by the dim light of Catherine's flashlight. The once-familiar corridors now felt like a labyrinth of memories from when she took Harry here as a child, each step echoing with the remnants of laughter and joy that had long faded away from her child.

Their first destination was the storeroom, a forgotten repository of spare animatronic components. Dust-covered crates and forgotten relics filled the room. As they sifted through the disarray, Catherine located a very pristine servo for Happy Frog's left arm. With delicate precision, she replaced the worn-out component, bringing a subtle vitality to the animatronic's movements.

Next on the list were the movement sensors. Happy Frog led Catherine to the backstage area, where the inner workings of the animatronics were once fine-tuned. Among the discarded tools and forgotten blueprints, they discovered a set of advanced movement sensors from another location with toy animatronics. With careful movements and precision, Catherine installed the upgraded sensors, enhancing Happy Frog's responsiveness.

As they delved deeper into the pizzeria, the echoes of their footsteps mingled with the ambient hum of machinery. Happy Frog guided Catherine to the maintenance room, where intricate animatronic wiring lay dormant. With skilled hands and a meticulous eye, Catherine adjusted the internal wiring, ensuring optimal functionality.

With each replaced part, Happy Frog's gratitude resonated in its authentic voice. "Thank you, Catherine. You've given me more than I could have ever hoped for. Together, I can help you unravel the mysteries of this place."

Their quest continued, the alliance between a determined mother and a revitalized animatronic strengthening with each shared endeavour. As they navigated the shadows of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, they uncovered not only forgotten parts but also the interconnected threads of a story that refused to be buried in the haunted pizzeria.

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