A disturbance

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As Catherine and Happy Frog delved deeper into the desolate labyrinth of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, the upgraded vision sensors guided them toward a concealed entrance. A faded sign marked the way to the back rooms, where forgotten secrets lay hidden behind neglected doors.

Pushing open the creaking entrance, they entered a dimly lit corridor that led to a room containing the remnants of a bygone era. Dust-covered boxes and forgotten relics lined the shelves, and at the center of the room, the haunting specter of springlock suits hung in a silent procession.

Catherine, her eyes scanning the room, whispered to Happy Frog, "This is it, the back rooms where they kept the springlock suits. We might find something here."

With a subtle nod, Happy Frog's sound sensors adjusted to the ambient noises of the room to listen out for anything approaching as they explored. the animatronic's eyes glowed faintly, casting an otherworldly light on the disused springlock suits.

Together, Catherine and Happy Frog meticulously combed through the remnants of the past. Yellowed blueprints, tarnished endoskeletons, and faded employee manuals told the story of a time when the pizzeria operated at the peak of its popularity.

However, in the midst of the exploration, a distant hum caught Happy Frog's attention. It was a sound that didn't belong to the static echoes of the room. The upgraded sound sensors, attuned to the faintest disturbances, honed in on the irregular vibrations.

Happy Frog, a guardian of their shared journey, turned toward the source of the hum. Suddenly, the air crackled with an unsettling energy as Mangle's face materialized in the dim light.

Without hesitation, Happy Frog lunged at Mangle, a swift and decisive movement born of animatronic protection. The two entities clashed in a whirlwind of limbs and tangled wires, each representing a different era of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza – one haunted by the past, the other seeking answers in the present.

Catherine, taken aback by the sudden confrontation, watched as the animatronics grappled with spectral intensity. The room echoed with the clashing of metal and the distorted hum of Mangle's presence.

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