Going down

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In the heart of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza, Catherine and Happy Frog discovered an old elevator hidden in the shadows. Its metal doors, stained with the passage of time, creaked open to reveal a dimly lit chamber adorned with faded posters and remnants of a bygone era.

As the duo entered the elevator, the elevator started descend to the floor beneath them. Catherine clutched the last Mother's Day card Harry had given her, The worn edges of the card, filled with heartfelt words and adorned with clumsy drawings. spoke of a son's love and gratitude, Catherine ran her fingers over the ink, savouring the memories encapsulated within those cherished moments.

With a heavy heart, she began to read the card aloud, the words weaving a bittersweet tapestry of love and longing. The echoes of Harry's laughter and the warmth of his hugs seemed to linger in the air, creating an ethereal connection that transcended the confines of time.

As the elevator doors opened to reveal a dimly lit chamber adorned with faded posters and remnants of a bygone era, Catherine continued to reflect on the card. However, a sudden realization struck her, and she turned to Happy Frog with widened eyes.

"The handwriting in the handbook isn't Harry's," she declared, a mix of confusion and realization in her voice. "Someone has been following Harry, chronicling his journey and writing down the horrors he faced."

Happy Frog's animatronic eyes widened with understanding. "This adds another layer to the mystery. We need to find out who has been here, shadowing Harry's footsteps and documenting what happened to Harry inside of Freddy Fazbear's Pizza. The secrets of this place run deeper than we ever imagined."

As the elevator reached the floor beneath, Catherine and Happy Frog stepped into a forgotten realm, the echoes of the past guiding their every step. The truth, elusive and veiled in coded language, beckoned them forward. The haunted pizzeria, with its collapsed floors and lingering spirits, held the key to unraveling the chilling secrets that had long been concealed within the shadows.

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