Thea Sisters = Princesses

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At these words , the queen turned towards the stairs . Everyone looked up in the same direction and gasped . They saw Colette , Nicky , Violet , Pamela and Paulina in a magnificent gown with a tiara decorated with gemstones on their heads . They were all beautiful and looked exactly like the five girls in their previous vision* . Even Shen was up to his ears in red when he saw Pamela and nearly fainted . Luckily for him , Craig and Vic caught him .

Craig: Shen...

In fact , since they'd just left the bathroom , the five mouselings were about to join everyone , but stopped when they heard the sovereigns talking about the prophecy . There's no doubt about it , the five messiahs so many people have been waiting for...are indeed the Thea Sisters . The five girls descended .

Europe: Kids , you have in front of you our beloved daughters . The princesses of Olumpos .

Girls/Boys: WHAT?!?

Thea Sisters: WHAT?!

Colette: But...Queen...

Europe: Colette , Pamela , Nicky , Paulina , Violet , you are more than just our are also princesses of our kingdom . You are the ones who will reign on Earth , which you loved so much when you were still with us . Remember your time at Olumpos , remember that you were our only daughter .

The Thea Sisters were stunned to realize that all the dreams they'd been having lately weren't just dreams , they were memories . Their memories of their lives in the celestial world .

Colette: can't be...

Asia: I understand this is a shock to you , but we're telling you the truth .

America: We're going to help you recover all your memories . Please take out your Stones Sacred .

The Vanilla Girls , Cardinal Elemental , Dina , Tanya and the Thea Sisters took out their stones , except Pamela .

Pamela: Oh , um...I left my stone in the bathroom . I'll be right back .

The mouselet returned to the bathroom to fetch the stone she'd left there earlier, the others look at her .

*In chapter 16 "Fashion goal" part 13.

Thea Sisters Fanserie 18 - Thea Sisters , princesses of OlumposWhere stories live. Discover now