The tears of a princess

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When the war was over , the kingdoms gradually recovered . No more traces of battle were visible , and the inhabitants were finally able to return to peace . The princesses of Olumpos continued to admire the Earth as they loved to do , even the queens notice that their love for this planet was greater than anyone else's . Unlike Phaeton , mortals progress slowly . They begin to farm , raise animals , explore and trade . Everything seems to be going well . Unfortunately , something happened on this world , and evil had recently taken hold . Driven by jealousy , anger , pride and greed , the rodenity hurt each other , kill , steal and some even declare war on each other . Diseases appeared and earthlings fell ill until death took their souls . Even more horrifying was the fact that the more sins they committed , the less likely it was that they would be welcomed in Olumpos after life and end up in Infernus . In fact , for some time now , because of their bad behavior , mortals have found themselves in Infernus as soon as they die and undergo torture . Seeing what is happening on Earth , the five princesses were dismayed and heavy-hearted .Their greatest fear is that the Earth will meet the same end as Phaeton . That same day , Queen Motherland Europe was looking for her daughter . In the corridors of her palace , she was on her way to the princess's room , but stopped when she heard was Europe's and it was coming from her room . The queen rushed into the room to find her daughter crying .

Queen Europe : My child , what's the matter ?

Princess Europa : Oh, Mother ! I'm crying because I'm suffering for the Earth ! I'm suffering for everything that's happening out there ! Mother , please , if by misfortune the kings want to erase the rodents for their wickedness , don't let them ! America...Oceania...Asia...Afrikka...and myself...we love this planet and we love them more than anything ! Please , let us rule it ! Make Earth our kingdom !

Queen Motherland Europe was deeply moved by her daughter's words . She understands her concern for the rodents .

Queen Europe : Okay....I'll talk to the others .

Unknowingly , Princess Oceania , Afrikka , Asia and America were saying the same thing to their respective mothers . They weren't the only ones with worries , Norden , the other guardians , the angel Skyla , Liouli, Berenices , Cepheus , Andromeda and Cassiopeia were also worried and didn't want to see the Earth destroyed one day . Later , the kings and queens of Olumpos met and Queen Europe and her sisters revealed their daughter's fears . The kings were deeply moved and asked the sovereigns to send for the princesses . Which they did . Shortly afterwards , the five princesses appeared before them .

Tawhiri : Are you really sure of what you said ? Is this really what you want ?

Princess America : Yes , my king , we know what we want .

Four of them were sensitive about their beauty , which made it very difficult for them to say no to everything they wanted . So , they accept the princesses' choice . Suddenly , a group entered the room . They were none other than Liouli , Skyla , Cepheus , Berenices , Cassiopeia , Andromeda , Osten , Westen , Norden and Suden .

Skyla : We're coming with the princesses ! We want to accompany them and help them build their future kingdom !

The sovereigns were astonished . Although they were all sincere , they agreed that the angel Skyla and the others would be the bodyguards of the five princesses . But it's going to take some time to realize their dream . As a first step , they must each find...someone to carry them in their bellies .

Thea Sisters Fanserie 18 - Thea Sisters , princesses of OlumposWhere stories live. Discover now