Forever together !

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Liouli and Cepheus set off for France to deposit Princess Europe in the womb of Aurore Mirabeau , one of Earth's blessed women . Norden and Westen went to China , to the Yang couple . Princess Asia had appointed Li Yang , the wife of orchestra conductor Lu Yang , as surrogate mother . The two guardians of the elements had waited until nightfall and the opera singer was asleep to facilitate the transfer of the orb into her womb . Meanwhile , Skyla and Andromeda arrived in Australia and found the one who would carry Princess Oceania . Suden and Osten landed in Tanzania , where Tandi Tangu , the future mother of Princess Afrikka , was supposed to be . Fortunately , the young woman was asleep , which facilitated the transfer of the orb . The last two were Berenices and Cassiopeia , who arrived in Peru to enter the bedroom of the Bernaldez couple , who were fast asleep . Berenice placed Princess America in the womb of her foster mother . When they had completed their mission , the future Star Vanilla Girls , Cardinal Elementals , Skyla Tyr and Liouli Spring were transformed into orbs and separated so that they could choose their own surrogate mother . Nine months later , Colette , Nicky , Pamela , Paulina , Violet , Tanya , Dina , Vic , Vanilla , Shen , Alicia , Craig , Zoe , Roni and Connie were born . Back in the present , the transfer of memories is complete , the Thea Sisters and their friends remove their Stone Sacred from the Prism Memory . They didn't know what to say . As for the queens , they wiped away the tears .

Europe : That's it...We knew how you'd get through life before you were even born . And we're so sorry we weren't there for you . Letting you go was the hardest day for us .

Colette : Don't apologize , we've been through them all anyway . But we don't hate you for it , on the contrary , we're happy ! We're happy to finally discover our true origins and our superpowers ! So , me , Pamela , Nicky , Paulina , Violet and everyone else here are Mouseford Academy students and we're proud to be ! We've lived many unforgettable moments together ! Despite our faults...we share the joy of being together ! No matter what the future brings , we'll always be together !

Dina : Yes , that's right ! Forever and ever !

Pamela : Only death separates us !

Craig : We fight the forces of evil side by side !

The Thea Sisters embraced the Olumpos queens .

Colette : Thank you for letting us go .

Their mother did the same .

Europe : My little princess .

Mothers and daughters free themselves .

Oceania : It's time for you to go back to Earth .

The five sovereigns accompanied the Thea Sisters , Vanilla Girls , Cardinal Elemental , Tanya and Dina out of the celestial world . The Mouseford Academy students return to the world of the living themselves , finding themselves in the poetry club room where they had teleported . Now they'll never forget their mission on Earth . When everyone left the room , Vanilla was still behind the Thea Sisters , her head bowed .

Violet : Vanilla ?

The young mouselet remembered how she had behaved from the very beginning . She looked at her comrades .

Vanilla : I...I may still be a shitter to you , but I'll never forget why I was reincarnated .

The girls looked at each other in understanding , Vanila returned the smile .

-The end

Thea Sisters Fanserie 18 - Thea Sisters , princesses of OlumposOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora