The heavenly war

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The scale of the disputes reaches its peak . Hera , Lucifer , Loki , Seth and their followers declare war . No sooner said than done . There was then a battle at Olumpos , the leaders of the celestial armies gathered their soldiers and began to fight against the traitors . King Zeus , Virachoca , Tawhiri , Queen Asia and Afrikka also took part in the war and refused to be attacked , the others were sidelined . The princesses were also sheltered and each had an escort to protect them , Liouli , Skyla , Andromeda , Cassiopeia and Cepheus . But when she saw her mother fighting , Princess Afrikka insisted on joining the battle , but was refused and forced to hide with her friends . And the deities who told her to stay away from the battlefield were right , for Hera was looking for them . She had taken advantage of the conflict to find the future Thea Sisters and attack them , destroying their pretty faces . The future Cardinal Elementals were the first to spot the ex-Queen heading for the heiresses' hideout .

Norden : Let's go ! Let's stop her from getting to the princesses !

Suden/Osten/Westen : Yes !

The four guardians set off in pursuit of Hera . Meanwhile , Princess Europe , America , Oceania , Afrikka and Princess Asia watched the war from afar . Skyla , Liouli , Cepheus , Cassiopeia and Andromeda stood behind them on guard to prevent any attack . Except that danger arrived from above . Hera appeared above the five Olumpos princesses .

Hera : I find you , little princesses !

Andromeda , Cassiopeia , Cepheus , Liouli and Skyla immediately stood in front of Oceania and the others to protect them .

Andromeda : Don't move !

Liouli : Stay where you are , ex-queen Hera !

Hera : Pfft...You thought I was going to retreat easily ? GET OUT OF MY WAY !

With her power , she brutally pushed aside the escorts . The five goddesses fell to the ground .

Europe : Liouli !

America : Skyla !

Asia : Cepheus !

Oceania : Andromeda !

Afrikka : Cassiopeia !

Hera : You are mine...

America , Asia , Europe and Oceania clasped each other as Afrikka stepped forward , ready to fight . A sword appeared in the ex-queen's paw and prepared to attack .

Hera : I'm going to destroy your pretty faces !

But her attempted attack was foiled , a gust of wind stopped the evil goddess in her tracks . Then , earth sprang to the left and fire to the right . Hera managed to avoid both attacks . The guardians of the elements and cardinal points arrived on the scene in time .

Suden : Get away from them !

Meanwhile , Europe , Asia , Oceania , Osten and Westen helped their friends to their feet .

Westen : Are you all right ?

Cepheus : Yes , thank you .

Hera : *grunt* You too !?

Norden : For the last time , stay away from our princesses . You and your henchmen are accused of treason . Surrender or things will get very , very bad for you .

Hera : Argh ! Shut up ! Shut up ! Shut up ! I'll destroy you too ! All of you !!

Hera then battles Norden , Osten , Westen and Suden .

Thea Sisters Fanserie 18 - Thea Sisters , princesses of OlumposWhere stories live. Discover now