The fall of the fallen gods

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During this time , the kings and queens who didn't go to battle created another world , Infernus...the one that would become infamously known as the Underworld or the World of the Dead . In the early days , Infernus was designed to throw evil deities into the lake of fire before they were judged and chained in prison , in the region of Tartarus . As soon as the Underworld had been made , they entrusted the keys of the prisons to Hades , Zeus's brother , whom they had designated to rule this world . All that remained was to arrest the traitors and Queen Motherland Europe , America and Oceania already had a plan , for which they had to find their sisters who were still fighting . Europe took a sword , Oceania a spear and America a hatchet , just in case , and the three of them set off in search of their sisters . The battle continued , but the victory of the Good was felt as they outnumbered their opponents . Queen Afrikka fought several enemies on her own , while protecting the soldiers of her legion who found themselves in trouble . She was ferocious and never shied away from anything , like a lioness against hyenas . Armed with a katana , Queen Motherland Asia fights and decapitates anyone who carelessly attacks her . Neither she nor Afrikka need anyone to protect them . Asia saw Berenices in trouble and rushed to her aid . She decapitated the attackers into pieces .

Asia : Are you okay ?

Berenices : Nothing serious...Thank you very much , Queen Motherland Asia .

Queen Motherland Oceania , America and Europe arrived from the battlefield and scanned the horizon in search of their sisters . America was the first to spot them .

America : Afrikka ! Asia !

Her two sisters heard her . America beckoned them over . Asia and Afrikka joined them at once . The three queens explained their plan . The plan was to push their enemies so that they could all fall into Hell . Immediately , the five sovereigns put their idea into action . They teleported and landed on the roof of a half-destroyed building . To succeed in throwing the evil gods out of Olumpos , everyone must leave .

Europe/Asia/Afrikka/America/Oceania : EVERYBODY GET OUT !!! NOW !!

King Zeus , Ra , Tawhiri , Virachoca and all the others on the side of Good heard them all . When they saw that the five sovereigns were preparing their final attack , they immediately began to evacuate . By uniting , the five sisters plan their combined attack against the enemies . The kings joined in to help them . The guardians of the elements , Cepheus , Liouli , Andromeda , Skyla , Cassiopeia and the princesses were still on the trail with Hera . When they saw that the enemies were all being expelled from the celestial world and the beam of sovereigns was heading straight for them , Norden immediately created a dome of rock so that he and his friends could take cover and not be swept away . Hera found herself pushed and falling out of the kingdoms . As of today , she and her allies are banished from Olumpos for their rebellion and are never allowed to return . They've all been sent to Infernus and each given a sentence and chained to Tartarus . For Hera , the battle is over , but not the war . She promises that one day or another , she'll be back .

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