The departure

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Arles , France . Aurore Mirabeau , married to Robert Mirabeau , led a fulfilling life . She has a family , friends , a job, an apartment and a wonderful husband . But there's still something missing from her life... she and Robert don't yet have any children . And recently , they'd like to have one . So they tried and tried and vain . Aurore was still not pregnant . When they went to see a doctor , the news gave them a sad result . She was told she was infertile . This news deeply saddened the couple . The saddest part was having to tell their family and friends about the infertile , and that this meant they would never become parents . Aurore faced this reality like a mourning bereavement , withdrawing into herself and suffering from depression . Robert did everything to comfort her and overcome her grief , but his wife was inconsolable , creating a distance between the couple . One day , a friend of the young woman's who was a believer advised her to go to church and pray for her wish to be granted . Of course , Aurore wasn't a religious person and never thought she'd go to a place of worship to pray . But it was the last solution . The next day , she went to the city cathedral before going to work . She began to pray , begging heavenly beings to give her the chance to be a mother. Her prayer was heard . When she saw her from Olumpos , Princess Europe was deeply moved by the woman's situation . She turned to her mother and said .

Europe : Mother...I want this woman to be my mother on Earth .

For their part , the other princesses had also chosen their surrogate mothers . Once the surrogate mothers had been chosen , Queen Motherland Europe , Afrikka , America , Oceania and Asia summoned the guardians of the elements , the angel Skyla , Liouli , Andromeda , Cassiopeia , Cepheus and Berenices . When they arrived before their queens , the latter showed them five luminous orbs and said .

Afrikka : Here are our beloved daughters . They will guide you to the surrogate mothers . We trust you all .

Inside the orbs were the princesses . Before leaving them with their bodyguards , the queens gave each of them a weapon , which they had ordered from Hephaistos . Future Cardinal Elementals receive a denarius , a chalice , a stick and a sword . The future Star Vanilla Girls received a bow , an amulet , a mirror and a sword . Finally , Skyla and Liouli received a horn-shaped trumpet and a short-handled mow . These weapons will be used to protect the heiresses in dangerous situations . And before they let their daughters go , they want to look at them and say something to them for the last time .

Afrikka : Afrikka , listen to me carefully . As soon as you're among rodents , don't be angry all the time like your mommy . Save your temper tantrums for the right moments and don't get into fights over nothing or you'll get into trouble...keep away from tumultuous people...don't come home late at night and listen to what your foster mother tells you . Eat as much as you can , because you need it to keep your strength up . *tears* Afrikka...even if you encounter difficulties , don't let yourself be demoralized or carried away by hatred . Don't forget the most important thing... Your heavenly mother loves you very much .

Asia : My beloved child . When you're reincarnated , your first years of life will be very lonely , but don't worry , someone will be there for you until the day you leave for a new life...Asia...listen to me. ..*tears* in the moments of isolation...even if it's very hard...don't have dark strong...stay strong until the moment you see Europe and the others again...I would have loved to hug you . I love you...*sobs*

Oceania : Oceania , darling...In your moments of fear , don't let your emotions control you and never give have to be brave to get through them . I'm sure you'll be able to face your phobias . And then , don't pay attention to the Berenices crises .

Berenices : Hey !

Others : Pff !

Oceania : Oceania...*tears* Wherever you are , whatever you're going to be...I'll always love you .

Europe : Europe...Don't be too demanding on yourself and don't let yourself get discouraged in complicated situations...because there'll be Princess Afrikka and the others by your side . Believe in yourself as others believe in you , believe in your dreams to the end...don't give up , because you'll be rewarded for your efforts in the end . *tears* Be strong and work hard...even if it won't be easy...*sobs* no matter how many times you fail , never give up on your goals , never , never , never , never...Take care of yourself , my sweet little girl...Mommy love you .

America : My sweetheart . Even though you'll be living in a poor country , remember to put your savings aside because you're going to need them in the future...You can go wherever you want , but be careful not to get lost...make sure you study the regions well before you leave and don't be afraid of finding yourself in new environments . In your travels , you'll meet some wonderful people . Don't let yourself be manipulated by people with evil intentions . *tears* America...the day you met Princess Oceania , Europe , Afrikka , Asia and your must support each other when facing difficult times . Work together to succeed despite your arguments . Don't forget , I love you very much...

The queens had almost forgotten that Norden and the others were still there . They immediately wiped their eyes to dry the tears .

America : Oh , please excuse us . We couldn't hold back our emotions .

Norden : No , don't worry .

Queen Motherland America then gave her daughter to Berenices . Asia gave her offspring to Norden . Afrikka passed the princess to Suden . Europe to Liouli . And Oceania entrusted her child to the angel Skyla .

Norden : Princesses , no matter where you meet , we will come to you .

Liouli : No matter what you do , you'll always be our princesses...and you'll always be...our future queens .

With these words , Liouli , Berenices , Norden , Skyla , Cepheus , Osten , Andromeda , Westen , Cassiopeia and Suden left Olumpos , heading separately for planet Earth , under the sorrowful gazes of the sovereigns .

Europe : Europe!

Asia : Asia!

Oceania : Oceania!

America : America!

Afrikka : Afrikka!

Like all mothers , letting her children go was the hardest thing to accept , even for a goddess . Queen Motherland Europe , Oceania , Afrikka , Asia and America sobbed at the princesses' departure , knowing that their beloved daughters would face difficult trials in their lives among the rodents . And while they , as deities , cannot always intervene .

Thea Sisters Fanserie 18 - Thea Sisters , princesses of OlumposWhere stories live. Discover now