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Hector pov

I got woken up by Olivia because the baby wouldn't stop crying I then tired to calm down Marcos but he wouldn't I then looked it u and it can ether be bad or really bad i then told Olivia we should take him to the hospital she gets her shoes on we were still in our pjs we got in the car and then we drove off to the hospital . We then arrived I've called marc and his parents to come to the hospital we then gave Marcos to the doctors we tried to go in but they didn't let us so we were watching from the window I was holding on to Olivia she was crying marc then calls our name and comes to us he then see Marcos and tells us what happened and Olivia then tells him what happened and why were here . We were all in the waiting room when the doctors brought his in to the room when Olivia see Marcos connected to all those machines and wires she cried we then go up to then the doctor tells us that he has a heart condition and that he will have to live in a hospital for his life and he probably only has a couple of more days I then started crying so did everyone me and Olivia were hugging. And then the doctor said maybe if they did the test when he was born he could have survived so it was there fault not ours me and Olivia we sitting down next to Marco and so was Marc me and Marc had called off this whole week because that was how many days he had left. We then stayed the whole night it's been a few days and today was Wednesday me and Olivia haven't ate anything we were both to scared to eat then Marc brought us food we didn't eat until he made us me and Olivia were eating when one of the machine started to beep Marc ran out and called a doctor the doctor kicked us out and we were in the waiting room we couldn't sit down the doctors came out and said I'm sorry for your loss and we tried everything to save him. When me and Olivia heard those words we both broke down crying we both were hugging each other then we all hugged it was Marc his parents and my parents. The doctors let us see him for one last time .

Thanks for reading 😊💙❤️

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