The Wand Chooses The Witch

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Authors Note: Sorry it took me so long to update, I'll try to be better, but I can't really guarentee. Please note, most of this chapter belongs to me, because I wanted to show the readers Emma recieving her wand. It won't be the longest chapter, but I hope it won't be too short. Enjoy!

(The camera shows Emma and Ginny leaving a stand together, giggling as they ate ice cream.)

Ginny: Thanks for the ice cream, Emma. I haven't had this in a while. 

Emma: It's alright. And you know what? We still haven't gotten our wands!

Ginny: Oh, poop! I forgot all about that!

"How can you forget about getting a wand?" Lylah says incredulously. "It's the most fundamental object of a witch or wizard!"

"We just got carried away," Ginny explains. "My mum and dad let us go on our own to get our Hogwarts stuff, and then Emma bought my family a new owl, because 'Errol was too old' - which was completely unnecessarry," she adds, shooting Emma a look.

Emma shrugs, but a small smile peeks on her lips. "I did what I had to do."

"Then she got me and her some ice cream - also unnecessary, and it sort of slipped from our minds."

(The two rush to Ollivanders. The bell twinkles as the two enter the wand shop, and they look around the dusty, old and also seemingly empty shop.)

Emma: Hello?

"Is it me, or is Ollivander never there when you actually need him?" James asks. "Then he just pops up out of nowhere. It's creepy."

Olivander: (appearing behind the desk) Hello there, Ms. Weasley. Ms. Potter.

Ginny: (shrieks) How did you do that?

"That's a question we all ask," Fred remarks with a smirk.

(Ollivander smiles softly, but does not reply. He turns his gaze to Emma.)

Ollivander: Ah, Miss Potter. I was wondering when you were going to get your wand. I remember when you brother got his... (he trails off, lost in his memories)

Emma: (interrupting him) My brother only got his wand a year ago.

Ollivander: (smiles) Yes, that's true, my dear.

Ginny: Can we... uh... have our wands?

Ollivander: Of course. Hmm... (picks a wand and hands it to Ginny) Give it a wave. 

Ginny: (waves the wand, and a light explodes) Oops.... sorry.

Ollivander: Never mind, never mind (hands her another wand. Ginny waves it, and this time red and gold sparks come out of it.) Ah. Now, Ms Potter. (Gives Emma a wand, and once Emma waves it, a series of boxes fall out of the shelves.) Definitely not. (He hands Emma another wand, and as soon as she touches it, a vase explodes.) 

"You two are certainly making a mess of Ollivander's store," James notes.

"Yeah," Lunar says with a smirk. "Care to give me some pointers?"

"Um, no."

"Aw c'mon!"

Ollivander: Well, this isn't working out very well, is it?

"Has he only just noticed?"

(Ollivander finally pauses, thinking. He sighs, then walks to the front of the store where a wand on a purple cushion sat, and handed that to Emma, who takes it, and a great light shone from the roof.)

Emma: Wow.

Ollivander: (sighs) I should've known. 

Emma: (exchanges a glance with Ginny) Known what?

Ollivander: (stares down at her, an intensity in his eyes) I should've known... the very wand you hold is brother to your brother's wand, and brother to one other's.

"Wait..." Lily says, putting the dots together. "If your wand is brother to Harry's wand, and Harry's wand's brother wand is You-Know-Who's, does that mean..."

Ginny: (looks up at Ollivander in fear) I thought that no wand is the same?

Ollivander: Not the wand itself, my dear. But the core. The phoenix that gave its tail feathers for yours and your brother's wands, gave another. Just one other. 

Emma: (gulps) And who owned that wand?

"Dam, this line is just like Harry's."

"Yeah, sometimes, I swear they're more twins than siblings."

Ollivander: We do not speak his name.

(Ginny and Emma gasp)

"LE GASP," yells Lylah, who has always thought that if you putted 'le' before another word, you were speaking French. 

Ginny: Are you saying...

Emma:...That my wand is brother to Voldemort's?

(Ginny yelps, and Ollivander flinches.)

Ollivander: We do not speak his name.

"This guy speaks in a cycle, it's kinda annoying."

(A dark mood settles on the shop, before the scene entirely blacks out.)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27 ⏰

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