Chapter 14: The Blood Test

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"Waaaahhhh!" Mikasa cried in Ai's arms. "Mama! I was so scared!"

"It's ok Mika-Chan, I'm here now." Ai tried to say lovingly but struggled to hold back her own tears.

The moment Eren reached Zekes house and Mikasa saw Ai, she immediately jumped out of Eren's arms and ran straight for her okassan. She sobbed into Ai's chest as Ai held her daughter protectively and lovingly, trying to cheer her up and make her feel safe.

Eren stood near his car, sitting back on it with his arms crossed as he watched his wife and daughter cry in each other's arms. Eren wasn't much good at comforting his children when they were sad. Even still, he stood protectively over his wife and daughter, keeping his senses attuned to his surroundings in case there was an attack.

"That poor little girl." Yuki said sadly.

"Yea, it's a shame she had to go through that." Mem-Cho nodded.

"Don't worry, if she's Eren's kid I know she'll be strong." Armin tried to stay positive.

"Right... your best friend from another world..." Mem-Cho tried to say.

"If I didn't see it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed it." Akane said as she checked over her notes.

When Armin explained his whole origin, that being that he was reborn from another world, Akane took notes down. She was so fascinated about the idea of meeting a kind of alien in a way. Though Armin told them no details of his own world.

"Akane?" The group heard.

Akane turned to see her old acting rival, Arima Kana, standing next to Eren's family.

"Kana." Akane glared at her old rival.

"I heard you stared in a reality TV show recently, how is that?" Kana said in a sweet yet passive aggressive voice.

"Oh, I don't imagine it can be as exciting as being an idol." Akane said in a similar voice. "I hope it doesn't make your acting skills rusty."

"I don't think I'd be able to compete with you when you're selling your life on TV." Kana said. "Good for you."

"What's with you two?" Eren asked as he moved towards the group.


Kana, Mem-Cho, and Yuki stood straight as if they were at attention, standing shoulder to shoulder with each other, hoping not to offend the criminal and literal monster in front of them. Eren sighed and face palmed, glad that Akane girl was the only one to just step back from him instead of being over dramatic.

"You know how to make an impression." Armin chuckled.

"Believe it or not, that reaction is pretty common." Eren said. "Most people in Japan treat me that way."

"Despite everything you've done?" Armin asked.

"This is not a country that even likes foreigners as citizens, even less so for giving second chances." Eren shrugged.

"Well, don't be too hard on the girls." Armin tried to defend. "They're good people, just a little scared."

"Right... helpless and defenseless girls, crippled with fear." Eren shook his head, remembering how Annie always played that card. Unlike Annie though, this was true. These girls weren't Soldiers or Warriers. Just normal peasant girls by his standards.

Eren walked over to his family with Armin, who were all speaking with Zeke outside his front door. Kawachi was with them as well, picked up from school.

"Kana knows?" Eren asked Aqua.

"We kind of had to explain it to her." Aqua said. "Reiner pulled the super healing trick you did to convince her."

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