Chapter 21: Eren's Concerns

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Knock Knock

The door to the Yeager/Hoshino household knocked and Ai turned towards the door to go check who it was.

After Ruby got back from her "Not date" last night, she was tired and immediately went to bed. She must have had a good time because even when it was nearly 0900 in the morning, she was still asleep.

Ai checked the camera and saw that it was Armin who was knocking. Ai breathed a small sigh of relief, glad that it's someone they could trust who's visiting. Ai opened the door and gave Armin a wide smile.

"Hello Alert-San." Ai greeted.

"Ai, it's good to see you again." Armin smiled and gave a humble nod.

Ai could see why Armin was so popular on LoveNow. He always had a kind aura around him and even the way he spoke seemed humble yet full of intelligence. It's a wonder how him and her husband became such good friends. Mostly because her husband was just completely the opposite of this kind and humble boy. Well, technically a boy... given the rebirth stuff.

"Are you here to see Eren?" She asked.

"Yea, if you don't mind me coming in." Armin said.

"Of course not." Ai said, inviting him in. "You're Eren's best friend so you're basically family. Plus Mika-Chan would be happy to see you."

"How has she been by the way, after the mall?" Armin asked, concerned for his best friends child.

"Well, Mika-Chan as been doing well. She's still a bit shaken and has been struggling to sleep alone lately, but she hasn't lost her energy." Ai said, her voice hopeful but still full of concern.

"I'm glad to hear that." Armin said.

Armin peaked into the garage where he saw Eren doing pushups, dressed in shorts and a sleeveless shirt. Eren was counting out loud in Eldian and was struggling after reaching fifty pushups.

"Getting tired already?" Armin asked with a smirk.

When they were still Scouts, it was normal for everyone to get to one hundred pushups before beginning to get fatigued. Eren was no exception on that fact, though his strength was average as far as Scouts went.

"I've let myself get out of shape." Eren said as he got up and walked over to a towel to wipe the sweat off his neck.

"A simple life with a wife that gives you a full meal, I can imagine." Armin chuckled.

"Yea, I remember when we first met." Ai said with a bit of a happy tone. "You were very muscled and had an amazing physique but there was just too much. You look much better with a bit of weight." Ai giggled.

"I never really cared about how my body looked. Besides, it wasn't like we had access to a lot of food in my world." Eren said.

"Still, I wish you would actually get a bit more weigh. I think you'd look good with a small gut." Ai said longingly.

"Does it really matter?" Eren asked, not caring.

Armin couldn't help but chuckle. In his entire lives, he could never imagine Eren ever dating a woman like Ai. While Eren never voiced his preference in women, Ai was literally the last kind of person he could ever imagine Eren being with. But Eren did seem to really love Ai.

They were also such a weird couple. Ai's bubbly and even childish behavior was such a clash with Eren's serious stoicism. They were complete opposites.

"Let me get breakfast ready." Ai said. "I'll even let you have ice cream if you want." Ai giggled at Eren.

"Eh!?" A yell came from the kitchen. "How come papa can have ice cream and I can't!?"

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