Chapter 26: The Performance is Crashed

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"Isn't she just so amazing?" Ai said happily.

Eren raised his eyebrow at his wife's crazy mood swing. One moment she pinned him in a hug and started crying her eyes out, now all her tears are gone, replaced with a starry-eyed look as she watched as Ruby finished her last song. 

"Yes, the hundredth time." Eren said, slightly annoyed.

"Aren't you proud?" Ai asked Eren.

"Yes." Eren nodded simply. 

Ai noticed a slight smirk on Eren's face. She could tell he was very proud of Ruby. Even if she wasn't his daughter by blood, Ai knew Eren saw her no different than Mikasa. Eren truly did love her and felt pride in her accomplishment as an idol.

However, Ai knew that Eren really had no care for idols. He was glad Ruby was living her dream and was proud she is doing what she set out to do, but he couldn't pretend to be interested in idols in general. He was proud of Ruby and showed support, but he couldn't pretend to love the concert.

Additionally, Eren was always one to not be overly animated. Based on what Reiner told her, Eren used to be so much more expressive. Ai found his seriousness and stoicism attractive, but there were times when she wished to see a more expressive Eren. 

The subtle smirk he had right now, the one betraying his normally stoic expression, was probably the best she'd get. 

"It's funny, seeing Ruby like this, it actually makes me jealous." Ai said honestly.

"Jealous?" Eren asked. 

"Look at her smile." Ai said. 

Eren looked up on stage as Ruby finished her pose. She started doing a double hand wave and addressing the audience, thanking them for coming and supporting them. 

"She looks happy." Eren shrugged, not sure where Ai was going with this. "She looks like you did."

"I think it took me years before I could fake that look." Ai said.

"I remember. It always came off as weird." Eren said.

"My idol act was always that, an act. It was a job that I took seriously." Ai said. "I did enjoy being an idol, I really did. But the idol persona never really was who I was on the inside. At first, many fans noticed how fake it is."

"You don't act too differently." Eren said. 

"That's because I have a family now." Ai said with a smile. "I am truly happy compared to my childhood, but the person I was as Ai from B-Komachi was a fake personality. But look at Ruby."

Eren looked up, Ruby still saying things and thanking the crowd.

"She's not faking it. Ruby never could fake her emotions or be disingenuous about who she is. She really is an idol. She enjoys it so much. She's so happy and the fans can subconsciously tell." She smiled.

"And that makes you jealous?" Eren asked. 

"Yes." Ai said. "It makes me jealous how easy it is for her. I have no doubt she'll be better than I ever was. Because unlike me, she has a passion that's almost terrifying."

Ai looked down as she smiled, a small tear forming in her eyes.

Knowing the context of Ruby's past made Ai all the more proud. Ruby was a terminally ill child who spent her youth in a hospital. She slowly died a horrible death and the only thing that gave her hope was Ai's own performance. It made Ai happy and realize just how much of an impact she had on the young girl's lives.

"At the same time though, the jealousy is overshadowed by immense pride. To see her like this, dancing and singing with such a smile, to see her gain fans. It's an amazing feeling." She smiled. "I'm both jealous and proud of her." 

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