Chapter 15: The National Diet

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Mikasa woke up in her bed and suddenly got really scared since she no longer felt her okaasan's warm embrace. She got up on the bed and looked around, desperate to find her okaasan.

"M-mama?" She asked timidly.

"I'm in the restroom Mika-Chan." Ai said. "I'm just drying my hair."

Mikasa went into the restroom and hugged Ai's waist while she was in front of the mirror. Mikasa put the hair dryer down and kneeled to Mikasa's level to give her a hug.

"Where's papa?" She asked.

"He had to go to work today. We're going to go to the studio soon so your oneesan can practice for a concert." Ai said.

"Isn't that pointless since we're being attacked?" Mikasa asked.

"Well, I don't think we should stop our lives just because we're in danger." Ai said. "No matter what we do or where we'll go, these bad people will try to hurt us. Which is why, we're going to keep staying happy and stay near our friends and family that can protect us."

Ai knew the dangers they were in, and unfortunately, they couldn't simply go and hide. No matter what they did, they'd be in danger. So, they needed to try and have some semblance of normalcy until Eren can find a way to stop his former enemies. As long as Zeke, Reiner, or Armin was nearby, they would be safe.

"I want Armin-San to protect us." Mikasa said.

"I know." Ai giggled at her daughter's little crush. "But he has his own life too, so we'll need Reiner-San to help protect us as well."

"Come on, let's go downstairs." Ai grabbed her hand and led her downstairs.

In the living room, Zeke was handing out microwavable food to the family since he didn't really do any cooking since he was busy. Eren had already left for his meeting with the director, and Aqua was flipping through channels while Kawachi and Ruby were eating.

Aqua flipped to the news about last night.

"According to reports and videos... the giant monster seen in China has somehow found its way to Tokyo, as well as two other giant monsters." The reporter said.

"Aqua-Chan..." Ai complained.

"It's important." He said.

"During the apparent Kaiju like fight, multiple people were severely injured from falling debris. At this time, there are no confirmed fatalities but at least three people are in critical condition. Many people are protesting outside of Governmental buildings demanding answers. A nation Diet meeting has been called but they are refusing to open doors to the press."

"Many people are speculating that the monsters have died since they decayed and vanished from sight, however many people noted that the roughly fifteen-meter-tall monster had his arm blown off in the Chinese videos and speculate it may be able to heal itself."

"I just... I can't believe I'm reading this." The reporter shook her head. "Sorry. As of now... no one has any idea what's going on. There are no answers or any logical explanations of what happened at the mall. Many people are confused, and social media is exploding with theories and conspiracies about what is going on. Riot police are on standby to quell any panics or potentially violent demonstrations, but the Government is remaining quiet about the affair and have yet to release any time or date for a press conference."

"Until then, citizens are advised to continue as normal and to report anything suspicious... like I suppose if you see a giant naked... right... sorry." She said into her earpiece. "I'm just unsure of what to say about this." She turns from the camera as the feed changes.

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