Chapter 22: Akane is Tired

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Eren and Miyuki walked into the briefing room where the Director had a slideshow pulled up. Eren was planning to stay for a short amount of time so he could head to the studio. Armin left after breakfast with Ai and the rest of the family so Eren would meet up with them there.

"I'm sure most of you saw the news." The Director said. "The event happened an hour ago, but this has been a significant low to the Air Seld Defense Force."

"You mean the Female Titan?" Eren asked, remembering hearing it on the radio on his way over.

"Annie Leonhart is her name, right?" The Director asked Eren.

"Yes." Eren nodded. "Blonde hair, always has a serious expression."

The director sighed as he moved the slideshow to the next slide. This was a picture Eren recognized. A student ID, a Japanese one, of Annie. She looked no different from the last he remembered her since her crystalized state halted her aging and she remained fifteen-years-old. The only main difference was that she was wearing a Japanese blazer that's consistent with the northern part of Japan.

"You found her?" Eren asked.

"Yes. it wasn't hard considering we had her name." The Director said.

"Should we try to do something?" Miyuki asked.

From Miyuki's perspective, now that they know who and where she is, they could potentially find a way to get her. Especially if they could get her to an area without people and isolate her from her allies.

"We can't." The Director said.

"Why not?" Eren asked.

"Annie is not only the daughter of an American, so a national of an allied nation, but she's the daughter of a high-ranking US Military Officer that moved to Japan five years ago." The Director said.

Which would explain how the Yakuza got their ODM training, Eren thought to himself.

"How's that an issue?" Miyuki asked. "If she committed a crime-"

"As of now, we haven't told any foreign nation about the Titans. They obviously know, but we're feigning ignorance on the specifics. Only saying we're investigating." The Director explained. "However, if we were to arrest the child of a high-ranking Military ally without reason, it would cause the US to get very upset. And the Government is cautious about that."

"So, we'd have to tell the US Government the whole story if we want to legally go after Annie." Eren said in realization.

"All we can do now is revoke her access to our bases... which won't be easy." The Director nodded.

"Why?" Miyuki asked.

"Families of Military Servicemen are allowed unaccompanied access on bases, especially since Annie and her mother live on base. So, we're about to piss off an American Officer by basically forcing her to move off base without a real reason and we're going to have to revoke her daughter's access." The Director explained.

"And that'll work?" Miyuki asked.

"Our bases, yes. But it's putting the Government in a weird position." He said. "Galliard and Pieck would be easier, but we're having difficulties locating them."

The slide changed to information about Pieck and Galliard. They were wearing clothes that showed a foreign style, maybe western Europe if Eren was right. It looked like the picture of a school ID in a language that Eren is unfamiliar with.

"Both are French nationals, probably how they found each other." The Director said. "They were reported missing about six months ago from their families. They would be easy to pursue since they're illegally in Japan, but without a valid reason to keep them detained, our only legal course of action would be to send them to their home country since they are technically underage."

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