Kaiju Chaos

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Genji and Infernia clashed sending each other flying back, she laughed forming a ball of chaos and darkness before throwing it at Genji. The kaiju chomped on the ball causing a small explosion of energy in his mouth with smoke spreading everywhere. It blinded Infernia for at least a second before Genji launched forward biting Infernia in the neck dragging her down into a universe.

The two crashed as Genji lifted his fist charging another powerful punch throwing it only for Infernia to move her head out of the way landing a tail whip to his stomach sending Genji flying off her. Infernia laughed pointing her hand in the shape of a gun and firing a high pressure wind bullet. Genji used his cybernetic arm to block it as it barely saved him, Genji went flying back repairing his arm as Infernia floated above him forming a large ball of chaos energy. Infernia laughed throwing it down towards Genji, he unleashed an atomic blast clashing with the chaos ball. Genji struggled to keep up the fire power as he was then bombarded with red energy attacks. Genji lost concentration falling on his knees before being hit by the giant attack.

The attack fell with Genji doing his best to hold it back before finally exploding with him at the center, Genji let out a scream of pain with Infernia smiling in delight at one of her greatest enemies being overwhelmed. The smoke cleared revealing Genji in a fighting stance breathing heavily as it took a lot of energy to protect himself from that attack. Infernia laughed with multiple portals forming around them with multiple dragon heads emerging all targeting Genji. The kaiju king began to teleport around doing his best to dodge each dragon head, one manage to bite his leg smashing him into a universe. Genji groaned in pain as then all dragon heads unleashed a flood of flames. Burning the entire universe while a blue light began to then overpower all dragon heads, it pushed them all back before finally exploding destroying all the dragon heads.

Genji jumped back with Infernia chasing after him, her eyes glowed red before causing a massive explosion sending Genji flying back crashing through a universe. He laid in a crater before looking up seeing Infernia with a sword charging at him, Genji reacted quickly opening a portal with the blade going through stabbing into her head. Genji took quick breaths before his eyes widened in fear and shock. Infernia laughed and looked down at him with the blade still in her forehead, ripping it off and throwing it to the side. Infernia grabbed his neck lifting him up before smashing him against the ground repeatedly.

Genji groaned smashing his fist charged with energy into Infernia's arm, breaking off her hand. Infernia's hand instantly regrew before smacking him across the face with her tail. Genji fell back only for Infernia to wrap her tail around his neck. Infernia smiled dragging Genji across the ground before throwing him up into the air. Genji received a universe destroying at point blank sending him flying across the multiversal void.


Meanwhile... In The Minus Space

Resusa: Genji!

Cassandra: It's worst than I thought, unlike Legendaro, Infernia has proper control of the power she wields, she isn't a brute like Legendaro

Gojirin: What can dad even do?

Cassandra: Survive


Infernia laughed as reality began to warp around them, Genji growled before laughing punching reality causing it to shatter. Infernia raised an eyebrow as Genji smiled unleashing a powerful aura.

Genji: Kinda hard to manipulate reality when I can just break it

Infernia: I suppose but it won't be necessary to kill you

Genji's eyes widened as four tendrils shot from Infernia as he barely dodged them before Infernia rushed him using Starlode's telekinesis to grab multiple universes and throwing them all at Genji like disks. Genji dodged them all as he raced towards Infernia unleashing a nuclear pulse sending her flying back as she formed a sword rushing back towards Genji.

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