Some Problems Never Go Away

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"This festival seems to be going at full swing." Vergil idly notes.

"Wow, what gave it away? The amount of students walking around with their family and friends?" Dante sarcastically remarks, prompting Vergil to elbow his side.

Unsurprisingly, it doesn't take long for them to find their way back to the festival. Even though it was quite a distance away, the amount of flashing lights and cacophonous noise of many people talking are telling signs.

"Too much damn noise." Dante scoffs, his superhuman hearing causing it to become more sensitive to sound. Vergil is inclined to agree in that regard. Though, they've dealt with more frequent and harsher noises than this. Let's just say some of the languages some demons speak can be akin to a sharpened claw digging into one's brain and slowly raking it.

Sparda's eldest son continues to look ahead, ignoring the passerby around them.

"Dante." The devil hunter turns to stare at his elder twin.

"This is the first time we've done something closely resembling normality, is it not?" Vergil quieries.

Dante's about to open his mouth, only for it to close just as quickly. Huh, yeah. Vergil did have a point.

Casually walking through a festival in search of a place to grab some grub before heading home was the most normal thing they've done ever since the fire that burned down their home separated them. He doesn't know how to feel about that.

To normal humans, this is an everyday occurrence. After all, families, be it parents and siblings, have taken out their younger children into places they like to much on some delicious food.

They haven't done anything of that sort since...well, when their mom drew breath, as well as the adoptive families that have taken pity on them.

Too bad their presence caused tragedy for many involved, all just for the sake of spiting them.

It's not a bad feeling, per se. Though, it's...rather awkward just how much they've been fighting.

It's deprived them of just having a semblance of spending time with family, as whenever they interact, it always results in swords being drawn with the intent to end each other's life.

In a twisted way, this was their way of spending time with each other. Though, both the Sparda twins are certain all of the girls would disagree on that. It helps that they're normal humans, and they've both inflicted injuries on one another severe enough to make a normal human being die from blood loss if not from the lethality.

"Demons are like a clingy ex-girlfriend who'll come into your house and cut your dick off if you're with another person." Dante says nonchalantly.

Vergil...can't really find it in him to disagree with that, even if those aren't exactly the right words he'd use as a comparison. Yet, their persistence is something that's even crossed through this world.

Wasn't being given the Isekai treatment meant to make their life better? A place of adventure, excitement and the unknown? Look at so many protagonists in animes as well as light novels, who somehow end up acclimating in no time at all.

Then again, most of them are usually 'normal' students with a thick head for a brain.

(In many multiverses, said protagonists sneeze, feeling like someone's talking about them.)

It's not like demons are a problem they mind facing. They've dealt with it all their lives and it's all they focus on. Now, they have to potentially deal with them getting caught in the crossfire.

Sons of Sparda in CiRCLEOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora