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Poetry is a freedom,
Freedom of living the memories I never had,
Freedom of knowing the people I've never known,
Freedom of dreaming about someone I'll never have,
Freedom to love knowing reality hits different,
Freedom of having them even when they're not yours,
Freedom of wishing it all had been that way while loving all the unexpected,
Freedom of writing down the nostalgia,
Freedom of hitting by the adrenaline,
Freedom of feeling it all,
Poetry is condemnation,
Condemnation of the things I never lived,
Condemnation of memories I never had,
Condemnation of that everything I dreamt for,
Condemnation of faithless hopes and hopeless faith,
Condemnation of mind, heart and soul,
Poetry is like a complex web,
A shadow of my soul,
Emotion of the heart,
A voice to my mind,
Poetry is freedom.

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