Dearest Seasons

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Oh dearest seasons this time when you come again please bring some hope and strength.
Last fall of snow has gone,
But my happiness isn't on my doorway yet,
It's ok I won't ask for happiness but the anxiety hadn't gone yet,
Last fall of autumn leaves has gone,
But the emptiness within hadn't been fill yet,
It's ok I won't ask for this emptiness to fulfilled instead I wanted to get release from this prison of emptiness,
Last rain of monsoon has gone,
But my tears hadn't been dried yet,
They keep falling like the rain,
I won't ask to stop the tears but let the ache in chest be at ease,
The last dried wind of summer had gone,
But my clothes wet in the blood and sweat hadn't been dried yet,
It's ok I won't ask for more but atleast just provide me some hope in this exchange of my blood and sweat.
Oh dearest seasons this time when you come again please bring some hope and strength.

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