My World

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My World revolved around the one I love,
My World was happiest till they were there,
And it was saddest when they were gone,
My World wasn't their home but for home they were home for my heart,
As long as I didn't get familiar with their cruelty and games,
My World was completely drawn in sorrow forever,
As if attachment is the root of every sorrow,
I fell apart and no one was their,
And realised I was on my own,
We all are our own,
Than why to seek love in others?
Why to want validation from others?
Why to let our world revolves around them?
Why our attachments decide what we should do or not?
Let's just get a hold of ourselves and get life of our own,
Though people will question it,
Cause you aren't there to please them anymore,
After that hurt you aren't ready to put in your emotional parts,
It's ok let it go,
Live for yourself,
Don't wait someone to leave till it's hurts or bleed,
Leave before if they triggers the parts of you,
You deserve you own good company,
Let the life be unexpected,
But let you know who you're.

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