Grandma Rosiepuff

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She hummed a small lullaby as Branch clung to her.

She knew why he became this clingy, but it still hurt to think about.

She sighed as she picked up the baby, "It's okay Branch...I'm here, I'm right here.."

Branch cuddled up to her, "Miss Flo Flo, CC, Sprucie, and Jo-Jo.." he whimpered.

Grandma Rosiepuff bounced him and pat his back, "Shhh shhh shhhhhh...I've got you, Grandma's here.."

Branch rested his head on her shoulder and she smiled.

"Are you sleepy, Branch?"

Branch nodded and rubbed his eyes, "Sleepy..."

Grandma Rosiepuff nodded and carried him into his room, she layed him in his crib and covered him up, "There we go..."

Branch yawned and quickly fell into a deep sleep.

Grandma Rosiepuff smiled and quietly walked out of the room.

As soon as she was back in the kitchen she let her tears fall silently.

Where were her other grand kids?

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