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Floyd was laying in bed with Branch cuddled on top of him.

He'd been upset to hear that he needed more bed rest but he understood why.

Unfortunately Branch was also stuck in bed.

Floyd has no idea how he did it, or even why he did it, but John Dory had run into the bunker in a panic yesterday.

He'd screamed about how Branch was hanging upside-down by his foot in a birds nest.

He could only watch as the older three ran around screaming as they gathered some things to go save Branch.

Once they left he worried about Branch, how did he get up there? Why was he up there? Is he okay?

Branch was very much not okay.

They brought him back unconscious.

JD had been biting his thumb and mumbling about how being upside-down for so long must of rushed his blood to his head, causing pressure and eventually making him faint.

Clay was holding Branch and agreeing with John Dory, he wasn't a doctor but his books sometimes have medical stuff in them.

Bruce also agreed, it had happened to his oldest son once, he'd gotten stuck upside-down and the blood rushed to his head, but he turned out okay.

Unfortunately, none of them knew how long Branch had been upside-down.

And being upside-down for too long can be extremely dangerous.

Floyd remembered watching as they brought him into his room, he remembered moving over so Branch could lay with him and Branch had instantly attached himself.

So here they are now, Branch still cuddling him and asleep.

Floyd is worried sick as he holds Branch close, but deep down he knows his baby brother is mostly fine.

Maybe traumatized from the experience, but nothing else.

He just layed there with Branch, cuddling eachother as he slowly fell asleep.

Cuddly BranchWhere stories live. Discover now