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Normally she would never even think of letting most pop trolls look at her.

But one look at Branch's sad little face when she told him no?

She immediately gave in and pulled him close, telling him she was sorry and that he could come and cuddle her whenever he wanted.

They had moved to a little couch and were now cuddling there.

Unfortunately Barb still had her queen duties to attend to.

But she couldn't stop cuddling Branch, he would give her that sad look and that hurt she felt earlier would come back full force.

So she layed there with Branch, watching the door vigilantly.

Once it began to open she sat up a bit more, with Branch mostly laying on top of her.

He whined a bit but quickly settled down when he realized she wasn't leaving.

Barb smirked a bit and rubbed his back as he cuddled her.

She looked towards the door and saw Synth.

Synth noticed the situation and smiled as he walked in, "Want me to take him?"

Barb smiled at him, "He's your boyfriend, you know what's best for him, plus I need to get back to my royal duties."

Synth smiled and nodded, touching Branch's shoulder gently, "Come on, love.."

Barb shook her head, "Dude I need to ask, how do you get out of bed when he's like this? It even hurts my heart when he whines and whimpers!"

Synth chuckled as he lifted Branch off of Barb and felt him cuddle up, "I..well I normally stay until he wakes up fully then begins his day, everyone who's witnessed this side of him understands why I can't get up immediately...actually, how did he get you of all people to cuddle him? No offense.."

Barb huffed and stood up, "His little pouty face is strong and sad. Even my heart can't take it.."

Synth nodded and sat on the couch, "I've never witnessed his pout, but if it gets to the point that you feel bad, no offense, then I never wanna see it."

Barb shook her head, "None taken, and honestly? You really don't, it hurts just thinking about it.."

Synth winced and watched as she walked away.

Cuddly BranchWhere stories live. Discover now