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They'd gotten back to pop village and he knew he needed to find Viva, so he could show that Branch would ask for a hug.

On the way to Vacay Island Branch had raised his arms and asked him for a hug.

Viva hadn't witnessed that, but everyone who had been in Rhonda with them, had witnessed it all.

Unfortunately going to Vacay Island meant that Clay had gone passed the five day deadline, so it had to be today.

He'd completely forgotten about that and by the time he remembered he had already promised his brothers to go with them on their trip to get Bruce.

Viva and Creek did have to stay behind though, they were sharing the royal duties since neither of them really wanted to do it.

So now Clay and Branch were walking around the village, occasionally asking where they could find Viva.

Nobody really gave them a great answer and after a few more hours of walking, Branch's feet started to really hurt.

He really didn't wanna ask Clay to carry him, but the pain was becoming slightly unbearable.

He decided to hold out for as long as he could.

Which wasn't much longer.

He grabbed Clay's hand to stop him and Clay turned around, "Yes, Branch?"

Branch huffed and fiddled with his fingers for a moment, "I want- I need- Could-..."

Clay waited patiently for Branch to figure it out.

Clay watched as a shy grin formed on his baby brother's face.

Branch raised his arms, "Please carry me..?"

Clay smiled warmly and picked him up, "Of course, buddy!"

Branch squeaked as he was quickly lifted, Clay held him on his hip like a toddler and he cuddled close to him.

Clay chuckled and allowed Branch to cuddle him as he continued his search.

Viva smiled from the trees as she swung down, landing behind them.

She ran in front of them and clapped, "Yes! This is so fantastamazing!" She cheered.

Clay continued to hold Branch on his hip and tilted his head.

Branch didn't even glance at his oldest sister as he cuddled Clay.

Viva bounced around them happily, "Now I can finally forgive you for abandoning our baby brother!"

Clay blinked and held Branch a bit closer to himself.

Viva laughed as she watched Clay hold Branch closer.

"Where did you even come from?" Clay asked.

Viva pointed up to the tree tops, "I was higher then the pods but close enough to watch you guys!"

Branch and Clay looked at eachother.

Clay nodded, "So, you were stalking us?"

Viva frowned a bit but then realized that was exactly what she'd been doing, "Oh..I guess so..sorry!"

Branch huffed, "No you're not."

Viva grinned and walked closer to them, "You're right, I'm not! It was totally worth it to watch that adorable interaction! I mean, come on! Branch's shyness, Clay's patience? I love it!"

The boys looked at eachother again and they both pouted.

Cuddly BranchWhere stories live. Discover now