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Bruce watched Branch cuddle with the oldest for a while.

He looked away to look at Clay who began to speak to him.

A few minutes in, Clay stopped talking and stared at his lap.

Bruce frowned, "Bro? Why are you looking at me like that? More specifically my lap.."

Clay pointed and Bruce looked down.

Branch was curled up on his lap and cuddling him.

Bruce was more confused now, "How in the...when did he get there?"

Poppy glanced at them and smiled, "Two words.."

"Cuddle ninja." Tiny said.

The brothers glanced at eachother then nodded.

Bruce sighed and pulled Branch closer, "How didn't I feel him? He's....oh my sweet cupcakes covered in chocolate, does he weigh anything?!" He asked as he held Branch up simba style.

Branch blinked and waved to Poppy as he was pulled back to the second oldest, quickly cuddling back up to him.

Poppy bit her lip, "We don't know how much he weighs exactly...but we do know that he's severely underweight."

Tiny Diamond nodded, "Even I can lift him up, not much, but I can."

Bruce hugged Branch tighter as the other three brothers looked horrified.

"Oh my..." Floyd said quietly as his eyes filled with tears.

JD bit his thumb nervously.

Clay grabbed some of his hair and pulled it down to mess with it.

Bruce held Branch closer and tighter, "Oh buddy..."

Cuddly BranchWhere stories live. Discover now