Chapter 10

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"There you are." A warm male voice rang out calling me from my own thoughts. The Willow tree swayed around me giving hints to the beautiful lavender field beyond; the edges of my vision slightly shimmering. The smell was intoxicating and overwhelmed my senses pleasantly as I looked to find the source of the familiar voice. My eyes met honey brown ones framed by pitch black lashes and a flawless face of a man that I know all too well.

Wait... how do I know him again?

Some small voice in the back of my mind whispered caution but I shrugged it off. Of course I know him. He's my divine chosen.

"Where else would I be?" I responded as I stood and approached him. He embraced me tenderly... almost intimately and I couldn't help but melt into him. Nothing felt better than this. My brain sent off warning bells confusing me. Why would I be scared of him?

"I haven't seen you in a long time." He said and I paused to take the time to take him in. He seemed older now, more mature. Handsome.

Though, I admittedly couldn't remember him any younger either. It was like reading the lines of someone else's story somewhere in the middle of the book.

"I've been lost in my own head I guess." I responded pulling back to see him once again. He was like a golden god shadowed in darkness. Familiar and yet completely unrecognizable. He reached up brushing warm fingers along my cheek down to my jaw before gently grasping my chin.

"This is how it should always be." He nearly whispered brushing his thumb over my bottom lip. A small shiver rippled through me as my eyes stared into him. I couldn't seem to form a thought as to why I've been away, I just knew it has been a while.

"Have you missed me terribly?" I said with a small smile glancing down at his luscious full lips helplessly before returning my attention to his golden eyes. I was me... and yet somehow not; like I was a passenger in my own body.

"More than you can ever know." He mumbled leaning down to rest his forehead against mine fondly. He pulled back and looked at me; eyes tracing every inch of my face with an intensity that seemed as though he were trying to memorize me, to remember this moment. I got this overwhelming sense that this was a memory, but it wasn't mine. I was me, and yet somehow not me. 

As if he could hear my thoughts, he frowned caressing my cheek with gentle fingers. I found myself completely entranced unable to move or speak on my own even as my thoughts willed me to try. This me wanted nothing more than to please him. His eyes seemed to search mine desperately looking for something foreign to me. His frown deepened the longer he stared into my eyes, not finding whatever it was he had been seeking. 

"You have to go now." He said breaking the trance as the wind picked up wildly around us.

"What? No!" My body fought, holding on to him as tightly as I could muster, but some part of me wanted to let go; to run as far and as fast as I could from him simply because I didn't understand what this was. I still felt a prisoner inside my own body. He smiled warmly at me seemingly unfazed by the suddenly harsh winds.

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