Day without you

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Days have gone by after Hanni and Y/n spent the day together at the theme park. The two of them got closer after that, but like they said, sometimes good things might come to an end, but if you fight for it, the so-called bad ending might turn into a happy one. As the days passed, Hanni and Y/n found themselves drawn to each other more and more. They spent hours talking about everything under the sun, finding comfort in each other's company. Despite the looming uncertainty, they both felt a growing sense of hope, knowing that sometimes, with a little perseverance, even the most uncertain endings can transform into something beautiful.

It was a typical sunny morning. A familiar girl woke up and yawned in her room. She quickly grabbed her phone and checked for new messages. The good morning messages you sent her every day always filled her mornings with joy. But today was different. When she looked at her recent messages, she didn't see one from you. She felt a pang of disappointment and confusion. It was unusual for you to miss sending her a message in the morning. She scrolled through her phone, hoping to find something from you, but there was nothing. As she got ready for the day, her thoughts kept drifting back to the absence of your message. It felt strange, almost like something was amiss.

Hours had passed since she last opened her phone, hoping that you would send her a message. But when she looked again, she saw nothing. She felt worried about you and decided to text you to check if you were okay.

"Hey, just wanted to check in and make sure everything is okay with you. I haven't heard from you in a while and I'm starting to get a little concerned. Let me know if there's anything I can do to help."

She sent a message to you, hoping that you'll reply to her. She waited and waited until her member called her out. She was now very worried about you. She was so worried even her members started to ask her why she was so distressed today. She tried to keep herself composed, but her anxiety was palpable. As she paced back and forth, her mind raced with all the possible reasons for your silence. She couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong. The concern in her member's eyes only intensified her unease.

"Is everything all right Hanni?" Minji spoke to her, asking why she was so distressed lately, Hanni only looked into her eyes and replied

"Yeah, everything is fine Minji, just a little bit concerned about someone" Hanni replied to Minji while looking very worried. But Minji could see through her friend's facade. She knew there was more to Hanni's distress than she was letting on.

"Hanni, I'm here for you. You can talk to me about anything,"

Minji said, reaching out to hold Hanni's hand. Hanni hesitated for a moment before finally opening up about her concerns.

"Well, actually, I have this friend, and we've been getting closer day by day. But today, my friend didn't text me. Usually, my friend sends me good morning messages all the time, but today my friend didn't even send one," Hanni said to Minji, looking down at the ground. Minji looked at Hanni with a sympathetic expression.

"I'm sure there's a good reason for it. Maybe he's just caught up with something today. You should reach out to him and see if everything is okay."

She replied to Minji, "I already sent my friend a message but didn't get a reply and it's starting to worry me."

"Is your friend a He or a She?" Minji asked Hanni, she only looked at her in the eyes, and while she looked at her in the eyes, a smirk formed on Minji's face "So your so-called friend is a he" she said with a teasing voice

Hanni was like, "Shh, don't say it out loud, someone might hear." And then Minji just smirked like a devil and tried not to burst out laughing, while Hanni looked totally annoyed with her. Hanni whispered, "Seriously, Minji, this is not the time for your antics." But Minji just winked and replied, "Come on, lighten up a little. It's not like anyone is listening."

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