Backstory of my oc

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This is my oc, Bloodmoon glow. He is a unicorn who grew up in a small village near bridlewood called everfree. Before opaline kidnapped misty to power her together tree, she would wander around the edge of everfree and try to lure young foals to her since twilight's spell was still in effect. Bloodmoon was one of the unlucky foals who listened to her calls. When he saw her, he was instantly fascinated by the Idea of alicorns, but before he could get closer, he felt something standing behind him. It was a Ursa major, he was terrified and started running, he tripped on a tree root and the Ursa Major caught up to him, it tore his leg off at the shoulder. He screamed as the pain shot through his body, every single exposed nerve ending felt like he was being stabbed. his mother came just in time, and distracted it. Unfortunately she was torn to shreds as he watched in horror. About a year or so later, he started studying engineering. he built his prosthetic leg and now uses his horn and cutie mark magic to power the hydraulic system, instead of electricity.

 One night, when his dad was asleep, he left the house to try and find the mysterious alicorn, and he left the door to his house open.When he returned, his dad was gone without a trace. he began to cry, and ran to the hill where him and his father went stargazing. He didn't know what to do, so he wished to the Blood moon to get his dad back. He waited for a response, and was about to go home when suddenly, the Blood moon shone nearly as bright as the sun, And an ethereal Being descended from the glow. "A wish is what you seek, yes?" They asked him. "Y-yes, who are you?" He asked as he trembled at the sight of them. " be not afraid, for I am the embodiment of the moon." They said reassuringly. "Now, what is your wish?" They asked. "I just want my parents back..." he said said sadly. "I'm afraid I cannot grant that wish, but I shall give you something else that I believe will suffice."  Their eyes glowed white and they started floating as their third eye opened, and shot a beam of light into his chest. He was in great pain for a moment and then it stopped suddenly. He had become an alicorn. "Oh my gosh! You made me an alicorn! Thank you so- much?" He turned around and they were gone, and it was morning already. 

he felt something strange on his flank and saw a cutie mark, he was very excited to show his friends his new wings and cutie mark. As he walked into bridlewood, he noticed that the other unicorns were terrified of him, they thought he was an evil Pegasus, he walked to the playground and suddenly no one was in the streets. A few minutes later, he saw the other unicorns walking towards him, with torches and a saw. He didn't realize that they wanted to hurt him so he approached them and was hit with an arrow coated with a magic plant that knocks you out for a short amount of time. When he woke up, he was tied to a stake with firewood beneath his hooves. One of the unicorns stepped on a stool next to him and another unicorn handed her a saw. he pleaded for her to not hurt him, but it was too late, she started sawing off his wings as he screamed and pleaded as loudly as he could. He managed to break free from the ropes before they could burn him, and he ran far away from everfree as fast as he could as he sobbed from the excruciating pain of his wings being cut off. As he started to get dizzy from the blood loss he stopped to rest in a ruined castle with ripped tapestries of two alicorns, one who represented the sun, and one who represented the moon. He used a piece of cloth from one of the tapestries to bandage the wounds where his wings once were.

 (he was 10 when his wings were cut) 11 years later, he traveled to maretime bay, when he heard of a war between earth ponies, unicorns and Pegasi. He watched as sunny became an alicorn when she brought back magic with the unity crystals. That's when he remembered how powerful he felt when he was an alicorn. He traveled to everfree and put on a cloak to hide his identity. He tried to ignore all of the memories of this place as he walked to his old home, he would do anything to be an Alicorn again. He gathered everything from his old workbench, loaded it into his cart, and he was on the road back to the ruined castle as fast as he could. He spent many moons testing and tinkering and studying to build his wings, but now they were finally ready. He screwed the wings into his bones (which was very painful), and attached the wires to his horn and cutie mark. He did it, he made himself an alicorn again. He practiced his flying and studied magic until he believed he was ready, ready to rule equestria.

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