Chapter one: the storm

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Comet had just come through the portal from starlight ridge a few moons ago, and had decided to stay in the crystal brighthouse for the time being. One day, sunny, hitch, pip, zip, comet, misty and izzy decided to take a trip and explore equestria, they couldn't leave their hometowns when they had no magic. And they didn't have much time to hang out  when they were protecting equestria from opaline. Overall, being the keepers of the unity crystals wasn't proving to be an easy job. So they packed their saddlebags and set off to learn more about equestria's history.

Their first stop was a strange ruin called "ponhenge" which sunny had learned about from her dad. "My dad said that before twilight sparkle and her friends protected equestria, there was a team of powerful ponies called "the pillars" who saved equestria by sacrificing themselves to ponhenge!" Sunny said as she pointed to a small spot on her map. "Ooooo where did they go?" Asked izzy. "I'm not sure... my dad didn't tell me that much about it. I think it was something like... limbo? I don't know." Sunny replied as she tried to recall the details. "THEY GOT TO PLAY LIMBO FOR ALL ETERNITY!?!?"  izzy shouted in amazement. "I don't think that's-" hitch was interrupted by a loud roar of thunder. "Um what was that noise?" Comet asked in fear. "That's thunder, it happens when it's about to- rain" zip said as the rain began to pour. The wind picked up, and the sky was dark and gloomy. Sunny quickly looked for shelter on her map, before stuffing it in her saddlebag to stop it from getting wet, "this way!" She said as  everypony followed. They saw a faint light in the distance, everypony followed sunny, everypony except comet who was slipping in the mud as he fell behind the group "wait for me!"  He yelled, but they didn't hear him over the roaring of the thunder and the crashes of lightning

Bloodmoon was walking through the storm, with a magic bubble to protect him from the rain. When suddenly he heard comet yelling to his friends. He walked over to comet, and used a spell to knock him out. he had never seen an auroricorn before, and wanted to study his magic. He picked him up and put him in the cart he was pulling. The castle was quite far away, so he used an ancient teleportation spell. When they arrived at the ruined castle (which Bloodmoon had fixed the roof of), Bloodmoon set up a bed for him and laid him down. He walked back to the throne room and sat in the throne as he tinkered with one of his machines.

Comet woke up feeling dazed and confused, "w-where am I..." he said as he started gaining focus. Comet stumbled into the throne room and saw Bloodmoon adjusting his leg. "Excuse me sir, what is this place?" Comet hadn't seen his wings yet and thought he was just a unicorn. "Ah You're finally awake. You're currently in the castle of the two sisters." Bloodmoon said as he glided down from the throne. "Why am I in the castle of the two sisters? And who are you?" Comet asked in shock as he saw an alicorn standing before him. "I'm Bloodmoon, Bloodmoon glow. And you're here because I'm going to study your magic." He said with a smile. "But.. my friends will be worried!" Comet said as he adjusted his glasses. "I don't really care... I don't know your friends." Bloodmoon was not interested in socializing unless it was absolutely necessary- "what about sunny starscout? She's an alicorn like you." -and in this case, it was. "I do know her! She's the alicorn who brought back the magic!" Bloodmoon said exitedly, "the magic I'm going to use to become the ruler of equestria!" Comet was confused by this statement, "what do you mean?" He asked with a puzzled expression. "I am going to defeat her with my magic, the same magic she gave to me! Isn't it funny?" Bloodmoon laughed maniacally.

"Comet! Where are you!"  Sunny yelled from the window of the cabin they found for shelter. "Sunny! he's not going to hear you over the storm, we should rest, and search when it's over." Zip said as she placed her hoof on Sunny's shoulder to comfort her. "Zip's right, come and sit by the fireplace." Said pip, waving sunny over. "I just... I feel like a bad friend, I didn't hear him calling for help, and I didn't even realize he was gone." Sunny said with a frown. "It's ok, none of us did." Hitch reassured her.

Back at the castle, comet stepped back in fear, and remembered that auroricorns have a mind reading ability, which he used to find his motives and fears. He memorized them for later. "Now, come with me. I need to ask you a few questions." Bloodmoon said as he guided comet into his workshop.

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